Interdisciplinary film and theatre seminar

On the occasion of his centenary, the Cabinet of Audiovisual Dramatic Arts is organising a seminardedicated to the cinematic, dramatic and literary work of Ingmar Bergman, in collaboration with the Slovak Film Institute, Film Europe and other partners.

The main guest of this year’s seminar is film historian and director of the Ingmar Bergman Foundationin Stockholm, Jan Holmberg, who will present an introduction to the opening screening of Wild Strawberries and deliver a master class on Bergman intended for film scholars, students and the public at large.

Other guests at the seminar will include Prof. Zuzana Gindl-Tatárová with a lecture on Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander, literary theorist and writer Július Vanovič, who will address the topic of religiosity in Bergman’s oeuvre, as well as two prominent Slovak psychiatrists MUDr. Peter Breier and MUDr. Jozef Hašto, who will present an analysis of Bergman’s work through the lens of his final television interview.  The programme will also include a panel discussion on the stage tradition of Bergman’s plays in Czech and Slovak theatres, screenings of selected feature and documentary films, as well as screenings of stage productions.

The seminar will be accompanied by a theatrical performance of a student production by DAMU Prague, Summer with Monika, which will premiere on 25 October at 7 p.m. in Studio 12 in Bratislava, under the auspices of the Theatre Institute.

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KADU 2018: Introductory lecture to Fanny and Alexander

Prednáška KADU 2018: Fanny a Alexander; 2018,

Accreditation is required at www.kadu.sk. Lecturer: Prof. Zuzana Gindl Tatárová Show more

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Fanny and Alexander

Fanny och Alexander; Ingmar Bergman, 1982, versions: OR , CS

Accreditation is required at www.kadu.sk. Fanny and Alexander is Bergman’s dreamlike family chronicle. The Ekdahl’s are an upper-middle-class theatrical family sheltered by their own theatrics from the deepening chaos of the outside world. One tumultuous year in the life of the Ekdahl family is viewed through the eyes of ten-year-old Alexander, whose imagination fuels the magical goings-on leading up to and following the death of his father. His mother’s remarriage to a stern prelate banishes Alexander and his sister Fanny from all known joys, and thrusts them and the movie into a kind of gothic horror. The bishop is a Bergmanesque character whose severity has gone awry - he has become sinister - and the film’s round rejection of him in favour of ”kindness, affection and goodness” may be Bergman’s fondest farewell to cinema. Oscar® awarded for Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Foreign Language Film and nominated for Best Director Ingmar Bergman. Show more

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KADU 2018: Ingmar Bergman’s reception in Slovak and Czech Theatres

Panelová diskusia KADU 2018: Ingmar Bergman na slovenských a českých javiskách;

Accreditation is required at www.kadu.sk. Panel discussion moderator: Soňa Jánošová guests: Prof. Martin Huba, Marián Amsler, Tomáš Procházka, Milan Žitný Show more

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Wild Strawberries | KADU 2018

Smultronstället; Ingmar Bergman, 1957, versions: OR , CS : swe

Sen starnúceho profesora Borga naznačuje neodvratnú blízkosť jeho smrti, a zároveň neodčinený dlh, ktorý musí do konca svojho života splatiť. Rozhodne sa odcestovať na juh Švédska, no z poverčivosti a strachu pred lietadlom uprednostní cestu autom. V sprievode jeho nevesty sa výlet mení na cestu do minulosti a vnútra, počas ktorej sa hranice medzi skutočnosťou a snom pomaly rozplývajú. Na konci namáhavej duševnej púte Borga čaká kruté sebapoznanie a prehodnotenie doterajšieho života. Show more

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The Winter’s Tale | KADU 2018

Vintersagan; Ingmar Bergman, 1994, 195 min., záznam divadelnej inscenácie;

Accreditation is required at www.kadu.sk. A rare recording of one of Bergman’s final productions of the play by W. Shakespeare. introduction: Adam Hrapko Show more

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Masterclass KADU 2018: Ingmar Bergman po 100 rokoch a neskôr;

Accreditation is required at www.kadu.sk. * the lecture will be delivered in English, with simultaneous interpreting into Slovak. Keynote lecture of Jan Holmberg - Director of the Ingmar Bergman Foundation in Stockholm, film scholar on the work of Ingmar Bergman. Main guest at KADU 2018. Show more

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Ingmar Bergman through the Choreographer’s Eye | KADU 2018

Ingmar Bergman through the Choreographer’s Eye; Frederik Stattin, 51 min., 2017, OV; 2017,

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Accreditation is required at www.kadu.sk. Lecturer: Július Vanovič writer, author of BEHIND THE SCENES OF LIFE, The Existentials of Ingmar Bergman, Essays. Show more

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2D OR CS 12
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Accreditation is required at www.kadu.sk. Lecturers: MUDr. Jozef Hašto, PhD., MUDr. Peter Breier Prominent Slovak psychiatrists offer a look into the work of I. Bergman. The lecture features a screening of Bergman’s final TV interview, Bergman and Fårö (réžia: Marie Nyreröd, 2004). Show more

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Persona; Ingmar Bergman, 1966, versions: OR , CS , SS : eng, swe

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2D OR CS SS 15