BABY cinema

- ciema for parents -

Kino Lumière prepared a cycle of customized film screenings under the name Baby cinema, which will be happening every Wednesday at 10am. It's a time and place meant for parents who can attend the screenings with their baby girl or boy. Without worries and fears that their little baby would interrupt something or annoy others. The mom or dad can enjoy the film, while holding their tiny one. The screenings are adjusted - there is gentle light during the whole projection and the sound is lowered so it would not harm the ears of the children or bother them during sleeping.

This type of screening is popular and well known abroad, and in some of the Slovak cinemas. We are more than happy to include them into the programme of Kino Lumiere.
It is up to the parents to decide until what age their little ones can stay calm and able to attend, we would recommend to consider it until they reached the age of 16 months.


 19/2/2020 - Jojo Rabbit

26/2/2020 - Judy 

- standard fee: 5€
- with Senior discount or for the holders of the FK card (Film Club card): 4€
- with Lumierka card: 3€
- for babies it's for free

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Armand; Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, 2024, versions: CS , OR languages: nor

During one dismal afternoon in an empty elementary school, the two mothers of Armand (6) and Jon (6) get into a desperate fight when one son is accused of crossing sexual boundaries with the other. Where the truth lies is impossible to know, and soon everything evolves less and less around the children, who we never meet, and more around the adults. Veering between the serious and the absurd, Armand is stylish, provocative and unforgettable, and ultimately plays out as a hard-to-grasp study of human morality, allowing for riveting performances, led by Norwegian star Renate Reinsve (The Worst Person in the World)

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2D CS OR 15
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Skutočná bolesť | BABY kino

A Real Pain ; Jesse Eisenberg, 2024, versions: SS , OR languages: eng

Bratranci David a Benji, ktorí majú židovské korene sa vydávajú na cestu do Poľska, aby navštívili dom svojej zosnulej starej mamy. David, zdržanlivý a pragmatický otec a manžel, ostro kontrastuje s Benjim, voľnomyšlienkárskym a excentrickým tulákom. Ich osobnosti sa stretávajú, keď Benji kritizuje Davida za to, že stratil svoju bývalú vášeň a spontánnosť, zatiaľ čo David bojuje s Benjiho nefiltrovanými výbuchmi a nedostatkom životného smeru. Dvojica cestuje ako súčasť turistickej skupiny o holokauste, ktorú vedie James, znalý, ale odťažitý britský sprievodca. Dynamika bratrancov je počas cesty vystavená skúške, od zmeškanej vlakovej zastávky až po konfrontáciu na starom židovskom cintoríne, kde Benji kritizuje nedostatok emocionálnej autenticity prehliadky a spochybňuje jej zameranie na fakty a štatistiky, čo Davida privádza do rozpakov. Benji sa napriek tomu spojí s členmi skupiny, ktorých dojme jeho emocionálna úprimnosť. Skutočná bolesť je komediálna dráma z roku 2024, ktorú napísal, režíroval a produkoval Jesse Eisenberg. V hlavných úlohách môžeme vidieť samotného Jesse Eisenberga, ktorému skvele sekunduje Kieran Culkin. V ďalších úlohách sa predstavia Will Sharpe, Jennifer Grey, Kurt Egyiawan, Liza Sadovy, Daniel Oreskes. V kinosálach K1 a K2 premietame tento film v obrazovom rozlíšení 4K.

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2D SS OR 15
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Emilia Perez

Emilia Pérez; Jacques Audiard, 2024, versions: CS , OR languages: eng, spa

Mexico, today. Overqualified and exploited, lawyer Rita is wasting her talents working for a large firm far better at whitewashing criminal garbage than serving justice. But an unexpected way out appears, the sort of offers you can't refuse : to help feared cartel boss Juan Del Monte - aka Manitas - retire from his business and disappear forever. Manitas has a plan he's been fine-tuning in secret for years : to become, at last, the woman he's always dreamed of becoming.

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2D CS OR 15

25. 2. Tuesday

7,00 10:15