Filmotéka - Apríl 2018

Priatelia archívneho filmu,

v apríli sa dožívajú 80 rokov dvaja významní slovenskí režiséri: Dušan Hanák (*30. 4. 1938) a Juraj Jakubisko (*27. 4. 1938). Obaja študovali na pražskej FAMU a v dlhometrážnom hranom filme debutovali v druhej polovici, respektíve koncom 60. rokov 20. storočia. Hanák nakrútil svoj prvý dlhometrážny film 322 (1969) voľne podľa poviedky Jána Johanidesa Potápača priťahujú pramene mora. Ide o psychologický príbeh o chorobe jednotlivca a spoločnosti. V roku 1972 dokončil dlhometrážny dokument Obrazy starého sveta, ktorý si získal – po 17 rokoch v trezore – svetové renomé. Nasledovali Ružové sny (1976) o láske dedinského poštára Jakuba (Juraj Nvota) a cigánky Jolany (Iva Bittová). Film Ja milujem, ty miluješ (1980) bol tiež zakázaný, no na 39. medzinárodnom filmovom festivale v Berlíne v roku 1989 získal Strieborného medveďa za najlepšiu réžiu. Doposiaľ posledným dokončeným Hanákovým dlhometrážnym filmom je dokument Papierové hlavy (1995) o vzťahu občana a moci. Z Jakubiskovej tvorby uvedieme jeho dlhometrážny debut Kristove roky (1967), Zbehov a pútnikov z roku 1968 a prvý diel jeho „trilógie osudu a šťastia“ (ako ju sám nazval) – Vtáčkov, siroty a bláznov (1969). Hoci ešte v roku 1970 nakrúcal Jakubisko film Dovidenia v pekle, priatelia, ten dokončil až po Nežnej revolúcii, v roku 1990. V 70. rokoch mohol nakrúcať len krátkometrážne dokumentárne filmy, k réžii dlhometrážneho hraného filmu sa dostal opäť až v roku 1979 filmom Postav dom, zasaď strom. Pred každým z uvádzaných dlhometrážnych filmov Dušana Hanáka a Juraja Jakubiska premietneme v apríli krátkometrážny film z ich portfólií. Za pomoc pri zostavení blokov venovaných výročiam Dušana Hanáka a Juraja Jakubiska ďakujeme Martinovi Kaňuchovi a Petrovi Michalovičovi.

10. apríla sa dožíva 80 rokov aj teoretik výtvarného umenia a filmu, architekt a scénograf Juraj Mojžiš. Pán Mojžiš vybral svojich „päť srdcoviek“ do cyklu Carte Blanche: Juraj Mojžiš. Zaradil doň dlhometrážny debut enfant terrible francúzskej novej vlny Jeana-Luca Godarda Na konci s dychom,ako aj obraz swingujúceho Londýna vykreslený na pozadí pátrania po záhade jednej fotografie v Zväčšenine Michelangela Antonioniho. Ďalej zvolil film Ela Havettu Slávnosť v botanickej záhrade, ktorý podľa slov autora výberu „je a zostane krásnym príkladom autorského filmu, svedectvom úsilia o čo najuvoľnenejšiu kompozíciu narácie“, a tiež Nebo nad Berlínom Wima Wendersa. Cyklus uzatvára československo-francúzska koprodukcia z dielne Alaina Robbe-Grilleta Muž, ktorý luže. Ako hovorí pán Mojžiš, tento film „nám ponúkne zároveň s provokatívnym pohľadom na identitu (anti)hrdinu ako hýbateľa príbehu aj príležitosť uvažovať o estetike nového románu, zrejme posledného dôsledného avantgardného gesta moderného umenia“. Juraj Mojžiš osobne uvedie projekciu posledného menovaného filmu. Aj touto cestou chceme pánovi Mojžišovi popriať všetko najlepšie k jeho jubileu a poďakovať mu za zostavenie cyklu.

V apríli sa dožíva 85 rokov režisér a kameraman Rudolf Ferko (*17. 4. 1933). Filmová historička Eva Filová pri tejto príležitosti zostavila pásmo krátkometrážnych dokumentárnych a spravodajských filmov Výročia: Rudolf Ferko. Pásmom krátkometrážnych animovaných filmov Výročia: Helena Slavíková-Rabarová si pripomenieme aj 75. narodeniny dramaturgičky, scenáristky a režisérky Heleny Slavíkovej-Rabarovej (*3. 3. 1943). Obaja jubilanti sa zúčastnia na projekciách svojich výročných pásiem. Pri príležitosti 60. narodenín producenta Rudolfa Biermana (*20. 4. 1958) uvedieme dva filmy Martina Šulíka, ktoré Bierman produkoval: Všetko čo mám rád Záhradu.

Významný britský režisér, jeden z popredných predstaviteľov tzv. free cinema Lindsay Anderson sa narodil 17. apríla 1923. Pri príležitosti jeho nedožitých 95. narodenín uvedieme filmy Ten športový život Keby... – na druhom menovanom spolupracoval s českým kameramanom Miroslavom Ondříčkom. 29. apríla sa dožíva 80 rokov aj český režisér a scenárista Hynek Bočan. Vo FILMOTÉKE uvedieme jeho film Pasťák, ktorý nakrúcal už v roku 1968, no nemohol ho dokončiť. Definitívna verzia vznikla až v roku 1989 a do kín bola uvedená o rok neskôr.

Profesor Rudolf Urc pripravil v rámci cyklu Očami filmových spravodajcov pásmo Ulice, mesto, hrad, ktoré je venované obrazom Bratislavy v spravodajskom týždenníku Týždeň vo filme. Eva Filová pokračuje v uvádzaní cyklu Kraťasy z archívu: Kino Čas a v bloku nazvanom Ako sme oddychovali sa zamerala na závodné rekreácie, vzácne dovolenky v zahraničí a domácke či komunitné koníčky vrátane obľúbeného chatárčenia. V cykle Double Bill uvedieme filmy Spalovač mrtvol Juraja Herza a Mefisto Istvána Szabóa o dvoch mužoch, ktorí sa usilujú realizovať svoje sny v temných časoch nastupujúceho nacizmu. V cykle Otec a syn uvedieme mimoriadne rôznorodé filmy: Chlapec na bicykli belgického režisérskeho súrodeneckého tandemu Jeana-Pierra a Luca Dardennovcov, Revenant: Zmŕtvychvstanie, ktorý nakrútilmexický režisér Alejandro González Iñárritu, a napokon oscarového Saulovho syna Lászlóa Némesa. Aprílovým majstrovským dielom francúzskej kinematografie je film Clauda Sauteta César a Rosalie s Yvesom Montandom a Romy Schneiderovou v hlavných úlohách. V cykle Filmová hudba uvedieme film Vtedy na západe, ku ktorému skomponoval hudbu taliansky skladateľ Ennio Morricone.

Dúfame, že si z nášho aprílového programu vyberiete.

Dovidenia v prítmí kinosály! 

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A Bout de souffle; Jean-Luc Godard, 1960, versions: SS : fra

A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he reunites with a hip American journalism student and attempts to persuade her to run away with him to Italy. Show more

2D SS 15
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Blow-up; Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966, OV (ang.) + ST (sk; Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966, versions: OR , SS

A mod London photographer finds something very suspicious in the shots he has taken of a mysterious beauty in a desolate park. Show more

2D OR SS 12
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Celebration In The Botanical Garden

Slávnosť v botanickej záhrade; Elo Havetta, 1969, versions: OR : slk

This colourful ”fairy”-tale is about the need of miracles in life and of letting the charms of nature, where every single particle is in constant motion, take over as if in an impressionist painting. It is a mosaic built of the stories of Mária and Pierre. Mária, a tavern-keeper tries again and again to lead Pišta, the father of her eight daughters, to the wedding altar. Pierre by his arrival disturbs the peace of the wine-growing village of Bábindol but at the same time he shows its inhabitants how to really enjoy life. Show more

2D Stream OR 15
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Wings of Desire

Der Himmel über Berlin; Wim Wenders, 1987, versions: SS , CS : deu

An angel tires of overseeing human activity and wishes to become human when he falls in love with a mortal. Show more

2D 2D+4K SS CS 15
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The Kid with a Bike

Gamin au velo; Jean-Pierre Dardenne a Luc Dardenne, 2011, versions: OR , CS : fra

Abandoned by his father, a young boy is left in a state-run youth farm. In a random act of kindness, the town hair-dresser agrees to foster him on week-ends. Show more

2D OR CS 12
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The Man Who Lies

Muž, ktorý luže; Alain Robbe-Grillet, 1968, versions: OR : slk

The theme is truth and deceit, reality and illusion. The main character, similar to some modern Baron Munchhausen, passes himself off as a hero of the local uprising and thus mystifies the inhabitants of a small Slovak town and especially attracts the admiration of its women. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Revenant

The Revenant; Alejandro González Iñárritu, 2015, OV (ang.) + ST (cz; Alejandro González Iñárritu, Mark L. Smith, 2015, versions: CS

A frontiersman named Hugh Glass on an fur trade expedition in the 1820s is on a quest for survival after being brutally mauled by a bear. Show more

2D CS 15
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Son of Saul

Saul Fia; László Nemes, 2015, versions: CS , OR

Two days in the life of Saul Auslander, Hungarian prisoner working as a member of the Sonderkommando at one of the Auschwitz Crematoriums who, to bury the corpse of a boy he takes for his son, tries to carry out his impossible deed: salvage the body and find a rabbi to bury it. While the Sonderkommando is to be liquidated at any moment, Saul turns away of the living and their plans of rebellion to save the remains of a son he never took care of when he was still alive. Be2Can Show more

2D CS OR 15
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Spalovač mrtvol; Juraj Herz, 1968, versions: OR : ces

This adaptation of a 1967 novel by Ladislav Fuks is regarded as one of director Juraj Herz’s greatest films. The dark and absurdist story, which utilises elements of the psychologically grotesque, represents one of many 1960s works by author Fuks that deal with issues of Jewish identity and alienation in a brutal world. These also include Pan Theodor Mundstock (Mr. Theodore Mundstock); Variace pro temnou strunu (Variations for a Dark String); and Myši Natálie Mooshabrové (The Mice of Natalia Mooshabr). The protagonist in Spalovač mrtvol (The Cremator, 1969) is 1930s crematorium worker Karel Kopfrkingl, who loves his work and family – in fact, he loves them so much, that he decides to kill his wife and two children in a loving and professional way, since under the new Nazi ideology, Kopfrkingl’s mother-in-law, who is of “non-Aryan” origins, and the entire “miserable” family, have no right to exist. Kopfrkingl denounces his friends and colleagues to the Gestapo and takes part in a campaign against the Jews. The kind-hearted and dutiful man is being transformed into a psychopathic murderer by the ascendant ideology of Nazism – and paradoxically, by an essentially peaceful, though misappropriated Buddhist philosophy… The outstanding qualities of the film are largely down to the performance of the man cast to portray Kopfrkingl, Rudolf Hrušínský. In one of his greatest roles, Hrušínský masterfully plays an ordinary man, inconspicuously transforming into a psychopathic monster. Vlasta Chramostová plays Karel’s wife, in one of her final on-screen roles – she was later blacklisted by the communist authorities for signing the Charter 77 initiative… The film’s mix of black comedy and its vivid evocation of German expressionism makes The Cremator one of the most important films of the Czechoslovak New Wave. Cinematographer Stanislav Milota – who closely collaborated with the 40-year-old Herz in staging the film – also makes a great contribution to the motion picture's aesthetic; the elegant black and white photography representing one of Milota’s greatest efforts. The film suffered a somewhat dramatic fate: it was entered into contention for the Academy Awards, but failed to be short-listed. Almost immediately after its March 1969 premiere, the film was banned from Czechoslovak cinemas. It was only re-released in August 1990. Show more

2D OR 15
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Mephisto; István Szabó, 1981, versions: SS

A German stage actor finds unexpected success and mixed blessings in the popularity of his performance in a Faustian play as the Nazis take power in pre-WWII Germany. As his associates and friends flee or are ground under by the Nazi terror, the popularity of his character supercedes his own existence until he finds that his best performance is keeping up appearances for his Nazi patrons. Show more

2D SS 15
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Everything I Love

Všetko čo mám rád; Martin Šulík, 1992, versions: OR

A poetic story of a middle-aged man who feels a need of a resolute change in his life full of vacillation and indifference. He is at a standstill. Unemployed and always fighting with his ex-wife he also has to take care of his teenager son and his aging parents need his help as well. It seems like the only way to escape this vicious circle is to go with the proposal of a young English woman - move to England with her. > Show more

2D OR 15
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The Garden

Záhrada; Martin Šulík, 1995, versions: OR : slk

The Garden is a story of thirty-year-old Jakub who is facing a period of problems. He is unable to work out his relationship with a married woman, he is not content with his job and he does not get along with his father too well. And so Jakub decides to make a major change in his life. He leaves for the countryside to his grandfather’s old, abandoned house surrounded by a big garden. The extraordinary world in which he suddenly finds himself helps him to mend his relationship with his father and he learns to see life in a different way. Show more

2D OR 12
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322 + short film: 6 otázek pro Jana Wericha

322; Dušan Hanák, 1969, versions: OR : slk

A psychological drama of the illness of an individual and the illness of the society. Show more

2D OR 15
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Pictures Of The Old World + short film: Flight of the blue bird

Obrazy starého sveta + predfilm Omša; Dušan Hanák, 1972, versions: OR : slk

Suggestive portraits of old people from the Liptov and Orava regions who are able to enjoy their individual freedom even in the times of civilisational chaos and insecurity. Show more

2D OR 12
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Pink Dreams + short film: Alcron

Ružové sny; Dušan Hanák, 1976, OV (sk); Dušan Hanák, 1976, versions: ES , OR

A comedy about a village postman Jakub and Jolanka, a Gipsy girl. Show more

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I Love, You Love + short film: Practice

Ja milujem, ty miluješ; Dušan Hanák, 1980, versions: OR : slk

A tragicomedy about a bachelor, emotionally presenting the life of people living on the periphery of society. Show more

2D OR 12
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César and Rosalie

César et Rosalie; Claude Sautet, 1972, OV (franc.) + AT; Claude Sautet, 1972, versions: OR

Cesar is in love with Rosalie. But Rosalie isn't making it easy for him, especially when her old flame enters the picture. Show more

2D OR 15
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Paper Heads + short film: The mass

Papierové hlavy; Dušan Hanák, 1995, versions: OR : deu, rus, slk

“I think that we are unable to deal with our own past. Paper Heads is a reflection on freedom and lack of freedom. It talks about the relationship between the citizen and power and the lack of respect for human rights in the Czechoslovakia of 1945–1989. The film takes place in the framework of street theatre. The conclusion extends these happening motives by contemporary reflections of our times. The structure of the film is built around key events of the past regime and archive footage is applied in shortened, paradoxical and even humorous ways. In the testimonies I looked for the people’s concrete human and universal dimensions in order to combine them in an emotional picture of man in socialist society.” Dušan Hanák Show more

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Jubilee: Helena Slavíková-Rabarová

Výročia: Helena Slavíková-Rabarová; 1976 – 1997, OV (sk); Helena Slavíková-Rabarová, versions: OR

Short slovak animated films from 1976 – 1997. Show more

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The Years Of Christ + short film: They are waiting for Godot

Kristove roky; Juraj Jakubisko, 1967, versions: OR : slk

A film about the urgent need to make final decisions when a man comes to a crossroad in his life. The painter Juraj, a Slovak living in Prague, is quite helpless when he, being in his thirties realizes that he had been leading a superficial life. He gradually evaluates his own situation and tries to change his life for the better. Show more

2D Stream OR 15
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Once Upon a Time in the West

C’era una Volta il West; Sergio Leone, 1968, versions: OR , CS

A mysterious stranger with a harmonica joins forces with a notorious desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad. Show more

2D OR CS 12
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Once Upon a Time in the West

C’era una Volta il West; Sergio Leone, 1968, versions: OR , CS

A mysterious stranger with a harmonica joins forces with a notorious desperado to protect a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad. Show more

2D OR CS 12
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Deserters And Pilgrims + short film: Mlčení

Zbehovia a pútnici; Juraj Jakubisko, 1968, versions: OR

It is an apocalyptic picture of three wars presented in three stories. From WW I it is a story of a miliotary deserter, in which the cruelty of the battle-fields is moved further into the so-far peaceful hinterland (Deserters). From WW II it is a story about a law by which people justify their actions (Dominica). The third part is an image about living in the world destroyed by nuclear war (Pilgrims). Show more

2D OR 15
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Birdies, Orphans And Fools + short film: The emigrant

Vtáčkovia, siroty a blázni; Juraj Jakubisko, 1969, versions: OR , ES : slk

This mosaic-like frolicsome parable takes place in an indefinite dimension of space and time, in a foolish universe without ideals - a world of violence, cynicism and hopelessness. Its living illustrative examples are the three lonesome lunatics who survive in this insane and ugly world only thanks to their craziness, philosophy of playfulness and joy and the enjoying present moment. They live, play, love and hate all together. Show more

2D OR ES 15
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Build A House Plant A Tree + short film: The Red cross drummer

Postav dom, zasaď strom; Juraj Jakubisko, 1979, OV (sk); Juraj Jakubisko, 1979, versions: OR

A tragic portrayal of a young man and his dream of having his own home and a happy family. During the pursuit of his dream he makes use of the poeple´s imperfect morals and defects of the social system. Show more

2D OR 15
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See You In Hell, My Friends + short film: Each day has its name

Dovidenia v pekle, priatelia; Juraj Jakubisko, versions: OR , ES

A bizarre story set in country-side a mansion where a group of odd people indulge in unusual pleasures. The film is filled with thoughts of death, surrealistic motifs as well as hints on national feelings. Everything is seen retrospectively as the world is unevitably marked by a catastrophe. Show more

2D OR ES 15
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Cinema Time IV: How to relax

Kino Čas IV: Ako sme oddychovali; 1954 – 1987, OV (sk); Director: various, versions: OR

Short documentary slovak films from 1954 – 1987. Show more

2D OR 15