Kino 1993

Január 2018: Pozemský nepokoj, Všetko čo mám rád, Fontána pre Zuzanu 2

Pri príležitosti 25. výročia vzniku Slovenskej republiky budú uvedené v prvých dňoch roka 2018 tri slovenské filmy, ktoré mali oficiálnu premiéru v slovenských kinách v roku 1993. Distribučný rok 1993 bol z pohľadu zastúpenia slovenských filmov pomerne rôznorodý. Pozemský nepokoj Eduarda Grečnera je dielom popredného tvorcu silnej generácie 60. rokov, ktorá vytvorila zásadné diela slovenskej kinematografie. Film Všetko čo mám rád predstavuje jedno zo základných diel najvýraznejšieho slovenského režiséra 90. rokov Martina Šulíka. Film Fontána pre Zuzanu 2 Dušana Rapoša zaznamenal výrazný divácky úspech a je predstaviteľom komerčnej filmovej produkcie na Slovensku.

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Mortal Coil

Pozemský nepokoj; Eduard Grečner, 1993, versions: OR : slk

Classic English author David Herbert Lawrence is renowned for his provocative works of literature that unveil the innermost aspects of human existence, emotions and passions. An adaptation of D. H. Lawrence’s novella The Fox from screenwriter/director Eduard Grečner, Earthly Disturbance tells the intimate, intoxicating tale of two women relationship with the same man. The remarkable ensemble cast is composed of Jana Nagyová, Marta Sládečková and Michal Gučík. Show more

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Everything I Love

Všetko čo mám rád; Martin Šulík, 1992, versions: OR

A poetic story of a middle-aged man who feels a need of a resolute change in his life full of vacillation and indifference. He is at a standstill. Unemployed and always fighting with his ex-wife he also has to take care of his teenager son and his aging parents need his help as well. It seems like the only way to escape this vicious circle is to go with the proposal of a young English woman - move to England with her. > Show more

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The Fountain For Suzanne II

Fontána pre Zuzanu 2; Dušan Rapoš, 1993, OV (sk) | filmotéka; Dušan Rapoš, 1993, versions: OR

A sequel to a successful musical film about young people from 1985. The main character Suzanne, now eight years older, is released from prison after being unfairly convicted. Rony, the person who got her in trouble in the past, is the only person welcoming her back. When she meets Juraj, a truck-driver and talented singer, she realizes she is given an opportunity to start a new life. This picture was the most popular Slovak film of the 1990s. Show more

2D OR 12