Filmotéka - December 2017

Priatelia archívneho filmu,

hoci sa posledný mesiac roka nesie v duchu príprav na sviatočné obdobie, vo FILMOTÉKE vám aj v tomto čase ponúkame pomerne pestrý program. Hneď začiatkom mesiaca otvárame dlhodobý cyklus Filmová hudba. Muzikológ Jozef Červenka pripravil pre FILMOTÉKU výber z tvorby významných skladateľov, ktorí komponovali filmovú hudbu. V decembri sa zameral na tvorbu Zdeňka Lišku a vybral tri filmy – Marketu Lazarovú Františka Vláčila, Pěnička a Paraplíčko Jiřího Sequensa st. a napokon Medenú vežu Martina Hollého ml. V prvých mesiacoch budúceho roka v rámci tohto cyklu postupne predstavíme ďalších skladateľov, ako boli Jan Klusák či Luboš Fišer.

V decembri si pripomenieme nedožité 90. narodeniny slovenského strihača Maximiliána Remeňa (3. decembra). Remeň pracoval v Slovenskom filme od roku 1956, pričom spolupracoval na viac než 130 hraných filmoch a na stovkách dokumentárnych a spravodajských filmov. Do programu sme zaradili dva filmy, na ktorých Remeň spolupracoval s režisérom Stanislavom Barabášom – Trio Angelos Tango pre medveďa. Pripomenieme si aj švédskeho kameramana Svena Nykvista (3. decembra – 95. výročie narodenia), ktorý sa celosvetovo preslávil najmä spoluprácou s Ingmarom Bergmanom. Z jeho filmografie sme vybrali film Obeť, na ktorom spolupracoval s ruským majstrom Andrejom Tarkovským. 6. decembra by sa bol dožil 80 rokov český herec Jiří Kodet. Pri tejto príležitosti uvedieme v decembri film Sentiment Tomáša Hejtmánka, inšpirovaný jeho stretnutiami s režisérom Františkom Vláčilom (v rokoch 1997 – 1998 Hejtmánek nahrával rozhovory s Vláčilom a po jeho smrti ich využil práve v tomto filme). Jiří Kodet tu stvárnil Františka Vláčila. 21. decembra si pripomenieme 95. výročie narodenia slovenského herca Ela Romančíka. Premietneme film Pomocník Zora Záhona podľa rovnomenného románu Ladislava Balleka, v ktorom Romančík stvárnil postavu Štefana Riečana. Americká herečka Jane Fondová oslávi 21. decembra 80. narodeniny. V roku 1968 sa objavila v sci-fi komédii Rogera Vadima Barbarella, ktorú budete mať možnosť vidieť na plátne FILMOTÉKY v decembri.

Tento mesiac sa končí prehliadka Nemecká jeseň, ktorá vo FILMOTÉKE prebiehala od septembra. Do pozornosti vám chceme dať hneď viacero titulov. Film Pivná bitka nakrúcal Herbert Achternbusch počas Oktoberfestu 1976, vďaka čomu sa mu doň podarilo dostať viacero autentických reakcií účastníkov festivalu. Kameramanom tohto filmu, ako aj filmov Nosferatu – fantóm noci Woyzeck Wernera Herzoga, ktoré premietneme v decembri, bol Jörg-Schmidt-Reitwein. O nakrúcaní týchto Herzogových filmov v bývalom Československu rozpráva Schmidt-Reitwein v rozhovore uverejnenom v knihe Nemecká jeseň. V samom závere prehliadky uvedieme film Wernera Schroetera Deň idiotov. Film sa podobne ako uvedené Herzogove filmy nakrúcal čiastočne v bývalom Československu, navyše jeho kameramanom bol Čech Ivan Šlapeta a jednu z chovankýň psychiatrickej liečebne, kde sa odohráva dej filmu, stvárnila slovenská herečka Jana Plichtová (dnes profesorka v Ústave aplikovanej psychológie Fakulty sociálnych a ekonomických vied UK v Bratislave). Po projekcii filmu (20. decembra) bude nasledovať diskusia s Janou Plichtovou, ktorú bude moderovať profesor Miroslav Marcelli, vedúci Katedry elektronickej kultúry a semiotiky Fakulty humanitných štúdií Univerzity Karlovej v Prahe. Prehliadku Nemecká jeseň realizoval Slovenský filmový ústav v spolupráci s Goethe-Institut Slowakei. Záštitu nad podujatím prevzal minister kultúry Slovenskej republiky Marek Maďarič.

V cykle Očami filmových spravodajcov sa profesor Urc tentoraz bude venovať filmovému umeniu a zostavil výber týždenníkov nazvaný Osem filmov a jedna premiéra. Eva Filová sa zase v cykle Kraťasy z archívu zamerala na výtvarné umenie v programe s veľavravným názvom Sonda do výtvarného umenia. V cykle Majstrovské diela francúzskej kinematografie uvedieme dlhometrážny debut jedného z najvýraznejších tvorcov francúzskej komédie Jacquesa Tatiho Ide, ide poštový panáčik z roku 1949. Film uvádzame v spolupráci s Francúzskym inštitútom na Slovensku.

Na druhú polovicu mesiaca sme pre vás pripravili štvoricu filmov, ktoré sa takpovediac subverzným spôsobom dotýkajú tém tradične spájaných s Vianocami. Tesne pred sviatkami uvedieme film Zapadákov Teda Kotcheffa. Jeho dej sa odohráva počas Vianoc, no toto vonkoncom nie sú „sviatky radosti a pokoja“. Protagonista sa vydáva na pekelnú odyseu naprieč austrálskym vidiekom v snahe uniknúť svojej bezútešnej existencii vidieckeho učiteľa, aby pochopil, že tá vlastne možno ani nie je až taká zlá... V období medzi sviatkami uvedieme aj ostrú satiru skupiny Monty Python Život Briana, dystopické sci-fi jedného z členov skupiny Terryho Gilliama Brazil a kriminálnu komédiu Shana Blacka Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.                                                 

Priatelia, dovoľte nám zaželať vám príjemné prežitie sviatkov a úspešný vstup do nového roka. Dúfame, že aj v ňom povedú vaše kroky aj do FILMOTÉKY.

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Marketa Lazarová

Marketa Lazarová | MFF FEBIOFEST 2024; František Vláčil, 1967, versions: OR , ES : ces

Two families are sworn enemies and they only make peace when their children fall in love and die a violent death. The film is set in the old times when there still was a conflict between paganism and Christianity, and when people behaved in such a way that it was hard to distinguish love from hate and good from evil. > Show more

2D OR ES 15
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The Copper Tower

Medená veža; Martin Hollý, 1970, versions: OR : slk

A dramatic story of three friends happily spending time on their own in a mountain cottage in the High Tatras. On the arrival of the wife of one of them their perfect friendship is put to a test. > Show more

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Burglar and Umbrella

Pěnička a paraplíčko; Jiří Sequens st., 1970, OV (cz) | filmotéka; Jiří Sequens st., 1970, versions: OR

The magic of the First Republic underworld – the galerka (in Prague’s Žižkov quarter) – formed a major component of the popular television series Hříšní lidé města pražského (The Sinful People of Prague, 1968). Inspired by a book from author Jiří Marek, and adapted for the screen by writer-director Jiří Sequens, this 1970 film shifts the old world criminal comedy atmosphere, as well as the series’ characters, from the small to the big screen. The main protagonist – the astute police administrator Vacátko, portrayed by Jaroslav Marvan – becomes entangled in the tragic story of reckless prostitute Anča, nicknamed “Paraplíčko”, and her lover, the safe cracker Pěnička. The romantic drama set in interwar Prague sees Jiřina Bohdalová and Radoslav Brzobohatý in the lead roles. Police administrator Vacátko would feature in three further feature films and one television film. Pěnička a Paraplíčko (Burglar and Umbrella) is marked by a major effort by its makers to evoke the period atmosphere with musical numbers, which tilt this crime comedy towards being an actual musical. > Show more

2D OR 15
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Eight movies and one premiere

Osem filmov a jedna premiéra; rôzni, 1947 – 1957, OV (sk) | filmotéka; versions: OR

Slovak television shorts from 1947 – 1957. Show more

2D OR 15
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Beer Chase

Bierkampf; Herbert Achternbusch, 1977, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Herbert Achternbusch, 1977, versions: OR

In a stolen police uniform the drinker Herbert creates unrest at the Oktoberfest in Munich. He is so drunk that he believes he is a real detective inspector. > Show more

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The Angelos Trio

Trio Angelos; Stanislav Barabáš, 1963, versions: OR : ces, slk

A psychological drama about clown Baxa and his three sons. The trio of these artistes keep on improving their perfomance to make it perfect as it is the key feature to be presented in the program of the Central Circus. However, the younger of the sons, Vojto, is injured and so their number falls apart.This misfortune also means the end of the trio, no matter how hard the father tries to keep it together.Vojto helps the unhappy situation by finding his own way of carrying on. Show more

2D OR 12
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Nosferatu the Vampyre

Nosferatu – Phantom der Nacht; Werner Herzog, 1979, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Werner Herzog, 1979, versions: OR , SS

Count Dracula moves from Transylvania to Wismar, spreading the Black Plague across the land. Only a woman pure of heart can bring an end to his reign of horror. Show more

2D OR SS 15
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The Exterminating Angel

El ángel exterminador; Luis Buñuel, 1962, OV (špan.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Luis Buñuel, 1962, versions: OR

The guests at an upper-class dinner party find themselves unable to leave. > Show more

2D OR 15
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mother!; Darren Aronofsky, 2017, OV (ang.) + ST (sk; Darren Aronofsky, 2017, versions: OR

A couple's relationship is tested when uninvited guests arrive at their home, disrupting their tranquil existence. Show more

2D OR 18
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The Sacrifice

Offret; Andrej Tarkovskij, 1986, versions: OR , SS , CS : swe

At the dawn of World War III, a man searches for a way to restore peace to the world and finds he must give something in return. > Show more

2D OR SS CS 15
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Tango For A Bear

Tango pre medveďa; Stanislav Barabáš, 1966, versions: OR : ces, deu, eng, slk

A satire of tourism and the pursuing of foreign exchange. The director of a zoo intends to sell a sick bear for hunting to a foreigner - a tourist and use the so-earned money to buy more animals. > Show more

2D OR 15
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The probe to the Fine Arts

Sonda do výtvarného umenia; rôzni, 1979 – 1989, OV (sk) | filmotéka; Director: various, versions: OR

Slovak shorts from 1979 – 1989. Show more

2D OR 15
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Woyzeck; Werner Herzog, 1979, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Werner Herzog, 1979, versions: OR

Franz Woyzeck is a hapless, hopeless soldier, alone and powerless in society, assaulted from all sides by forces he can not control. > Show more

2D OR 15
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Sentiment; Tomáš Hejtmánek, 2003, versions: OR

A film essay inspired by the intimate relationship of Tomáš Hejtmánek with the director František Vlácil, a legend of the Czech cinematography. Hejtmánek's original intention was to capture a meeting, to follow the path of Vlácil's films, to recollect the memories of people who collaborated with Vlácil; an interview with the director was meant to form the film's foundations. However, the death of Vlácil changed the original plan. The words, interviews and original work remained. The profile had to be changed completely, at the same time however, it was to maintain the same kind of movement, its internal structure and a mutual dependence. The documentary is a fusion of reminiscence, feature film and a documentary. It is also a multiple citation honoring thinking, feeling and the creative process. The actor Jirí Kodet portrays Vlácil in the film. In fact, Kodet represents the director throughout the whole piece, with the only deviation being a different face, not a difference in the language. The documentary uses Vlácil's language of film. The homage is an emulation, a perfect combination of original footage with sequences from Vlácil's works. No biography or a profile, but an autobiography through an interview, a continuation of the original confession. What makes this film original is the attempt to make the transfer and the fundamental transgression of the framework of a mere profile as a biographical note. The film's goal is not to find out... The audience has to know beforehand, they have to enter the film knowing the work of Vlácil, the layers of images and sound traces. They should be familiar with the life of the director: in order to become stronger by seeing the film, the audience has to be aware of the presence of certain elements, of the rate and the manner in which they are used and connected with other elements which absorb them and limit them, and of the unique features the given style uses from this heritage. The other way of seeing this film is through complete disengagement from the genius of František Vlácil, through the separation of the subject matter from the movement, the separation of the meaning from a specific voice, by turning around and achieving a perfect separation from the body of life and the body of his work, by stepping back from anatomy and by seeing the film in its entirety as a confession of an artist at the end of his life. And also as an interview of a teacher with his student conducted in a field of images. This is also an option, another way to achieve the full experience. > Show more

2D OR 12
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The Marriage of Maria Braun

Die Ehe der Maria Braun; Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1979, OV (nem. + angl.) + ST (sk) | Nemecká jeseň; Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1979, versions: SS

A World War II widow seeks to adjust to life in postwar Germany. > Show more

2D SS 15
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Barbarella; Roger Vadim, 1968, OV (fr.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Roger Vadim, 1968, versions: OR

Barbarella, an astronaut from the 41st century, sets out to find and stop the evil scientist Durand Durand, whose Positronic Ray threatens to bring evil back into the galaxy. > Show more

2D OR 15
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The Big Day

Jour de fête; Jacques Tati, 1949, OV (franc.) + AT | filmotéka; Jacques Tati, 1949, versions: OR

Once a year the fair comes for one day to the little town 'Sainte-Severe-sur-Indre'. All inhabitants are scoffing at Francois, the postman, what he seems not to recognize. The rising of the flagstaff under his direction nearly leads into a catastrophy - but everybody tells him, how important his work is. Sneering up Francois continues in the evening of the festive day. Made drunk, some 'friends' persuade him to watch a short-movie in a tent. This film is a stunt-show, covered as 'The modern delivery-techniques of the US-post. Francois takes it serious, not recognizing being teased. Next day, after getting sober in a goods wagon, he reorganizes his own delivery-methods. He has not the equipment, as his ideals in the short-movie have, but using only his bicycle, he makes good, funny progresses. > Show more

2D OR 12
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Midnight Mass

Polnočná omša; Jiří Krejčík, 1962, versions: OR : slk

A dramatic story of a petit-bourgeois family that wishes to survive the war in safety even by direct collaboration with the Nazis. The return of their own, wounded injured son Juraj who had joined the partisans means a serious danger for them. > Show more

2D OR 12
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The Assistant

Pomocník; Zoro Záhon, 1981, versions: OR : slk

A drama of a Slovak butcher - a former anti-fascist fighter and a virtuous man who takes over a butchery in Southern Slovakia after the war. Together with a big prosperous business which belonged to a former Nazi collaborant the butcher gets an assistant whose dishonest activities bring wealth but also a moral decay of the family. > Show more

2D OR 15
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Wings of Desire

Der Himmel über Berlin; Wim Wenders, 1987, versions: SS , CS , CS/ES : deu

An angel tires of overseeing human activity and wishes to become human when he falls in love with a mortal. Show more

2D 2D+4K SS CS CS/ES 15
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Day of the Idiots

Tag der Idioten; Werner Schroeter, 1981, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Werner Schroeter, 1981, versions: OR

Story of a mentally unstable woman who goes into an institution. > Show more

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Wake in Fright

Wake in Fright; Ted Kotcheff, 1971, versions: OR

After a bad gambling bet, a schoolteacher is marooned in a town full of crazy, drunk, violent men who threaten to make him just as crazy, drunk, and violent. > Show more

2D OR 18
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Les Misérables (1982)

Les misérables; Robert Hossein, 1982, DB (cz) | filmotéka; Robert Hossein, 1982, versions: CD

The story of Jean Valjean, a Frenchman convicted of minor crimes, who is hounded for years by an unforgiving and unrelenting police inspector, Javert. > Show more

2D CD 12
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Life of Brian

Life of Brian; Terry Jones, 1979, versions: OR , SS , CS : eng

Brian is born on the original Christmas, in the stable next door. He spends his life being mistaken for a messiah. > Show more

2D OR SS CS 15
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Brazil; Terry Gilliam,1985, OV (ang.) + ST (cz; Terry Gilliam, 1985, versions: OR , CS

A bureaucrat in a retro-future world tries to correct an administrative error and himself becomes an enemy of the state. source: Show more

2D OR CS 15
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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang; Shane Black, 2005, OV (angl.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Shane Black, 2005, versions: OR

A murder mystery brings together a private eye, a struggling actress, and a thief masquerading as an actor. > Show more