Ilja Zeljenka a film

November 2017: Operácia X; 65, 000.000; Voda a práca; Slnko v sieti; Vstupujeme do doby atómovej; Každý týždeň sedem dní; Dvanásť storočí umenia; Panna zázračnica; Metamorfóza vlákna; Tri dcéry; Mašinka; Drak sa vracia; Bratislavský dóm sv. Martina; Génius

Jeden z najznámejších skladateľov novej slovenskej hudby. Autor opier Bátoryčka (1994), Posledné dni Veľkej Moravy (1996), orchestrálnych diel, inštrumentálnych koncertov, kantát, komorných skladieb, scénickej a filmovej hudby. V Elektroakustickom štúdiu Československého rozhlasu, v ktorom do roku 1968 pôsobil ako dramaturg a lektor, začal experimentovať s možnosťami elektroakustickej hudby, čo sa prejavilo aj v jeho tvorbe pre film. Od roku 1957 až do vylúčenia zo Zväzu slovenských skladateľov (1973) a zákazu činnosti skomponoval hudbu k približne sto hraným a dokumentárnym filmom. Spolupracoval s dokumentaristami Martinom Slivkom – Voda a práca (1963), Metamorfóza vlákna (1968), Odchádza človek (1968), s Vladom Kubenkom – Vyznávač snov (1970), Galanda (1970), s Ladislavom Kudelkom – Premenená zem (1959), Chlapi z Gaderskej doliny (1963) a i. Osobitné postavenie v Zeljenkovej tvorbe má Igricom ocenená hudba k filmu režiséra Eduarda Grečnera Drak sa vracia (1967), ktorá patrí k jeho najúspešnejším filmovým projektom. Spolupráca s režisérom Štefanom Uhrom na filmoch Slnko v sieti (1962), Panna zázračnica (1966), Tri dcéry (1967), Génius (1969), Keby som mal pušku (1971), Javor a Juliana (1972) a Dolina (1973) priniesla nový pohľad na funkciu hudby vo filme. Hudba prestala byť ilustratívna, dotvárala atmosféru príbehu a stala sa jednou z dôležitých zložiek filmu.


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65,000.000 + predfilm: Operácia X

65,000.000; Miroslav Horňák, 1961, OV (rôzne); Miroslav Horňák, 1961, versions: OR

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2D OR 12
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The Sun In The Net

Slnko v sieti; Štefan Uher, 1962, versions: ES , OR : slk

A lyrical story of the shy love of two young people. They try to hide their doubts, lack of experience and fear by pretended cynicism and negative attitudes. But the truth is their inner worlds are full of emotions that they are afraid to reveal. Show more

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Seven Days Every Week

Každý týždeň sedem dní; Eduard Grečner, 1964, versions: OR

A psychological story capturing the life of university students who are trying to find their place within the society even if they are often misunderstood or disappointed. The film also deals with the feelings of anxiety and fear of the threat of nuclear war. Show more

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The Wonder - Maid

Panna zázračnica; Štefan Uher, 1966, versions: OR : slk

The film renders the life of a young generation of artists formed during the middle of the war. Anabella - a beautiful young girl meets the company of friends and becomes the object of their dreams and desires. The artists, charmed by the magic about her do not notice her sadness which leads her to a tragic end. Show more

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Three Daughters

Tri dcéry;; Štefan Uher, 1967, versions: OR : ces, slk

An old folk ballad actualization about a father and his three daughters. After losing all of his possessions old Majda seeks shelter at his three daughters whom he had sent to cloister long ago to avoid the dividing of his property. Only his youngest daughter, although abandoned by her sisters herself, is willing to take care of him. Show more

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The Dragon’s Return

Drak sa vracia; Eduard Grečner, 1967, versions: SV , OR : slk

A ballad of love, hatred and desire to escape from loneliness. A dramatic story of a reclusive potter, Martin Lepiš, who is blamed by the village people for acts he had never committed. After some years he returns but never finds his place among the villagers neither gains their trust, not even after he saves their properties from fire. Show more

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Génius; Štefan Uher, 1969, versions: OR : slk

A metaphorical story dealing with the conflict between human thinking and ideals on one side and the strict inhumane mechanism of social institutions on the other. A satire of negative human relations focused on human meanness and other character qualities, such as pride, envy, malevolence, hatred and greed. Show more

2D OR 15