Filmotéka - November 2017

Priatelia archívneho filmu,


7. septembra tohto roku oslávil 70. narodeniny filozof a prekladateľ profesor Miroslav Marcelli. Pri tejto príležitosti sme ho oslovili s ponukou zostaviť cyklus Carte Blanche. Vybral doň dva (menej často uvádzané) filmy talianskeho režiséra Federica Felliniho Skúška orchestra (1978) a A loď pláva (1983). O dôvodoch, pre ktoré Miroslav Marcelli zvolil práve tieto filmy, si môžete prečítať na inom mieste bulletinu. Chceli by sme aj touto cestou poďakovať pánovi Marcellimu za spoluprácu a popriať mu všetko najlepšie k narodeninám.

13. júla uplynulo 10 rokov od úmrtia významného slovenského hudobného skladateľa Ilju Zeljenku (21. decembra tohto roku by sa dožil 85 rokov). Slovami Vladimíra Godára, Zeljenka bol „ťažiskovou skladateľskou osobnosťou slovenskej odmäkovej generácie“ (teda 60. rokov 20. storočia, nazývaných aj obdobím odmäku). Ilja Zeljenka v uvedenom období komponoval hojne aj pre film. V spolupráci s organizátormi 14. medzinárodného festivalu súčasnej hudby Melos-Étos (7. – 15. november 2017) sme do programu zaradili cyklus filmov, ku ktorým zložil hudbu, pod názvom Ilja Zeljenka a film. V dňoch 9. – 15. novembra uvedieme 7 programov pozostávajúcich z jedného krátkometrážneho a jedného dlhometrážneho filmu, pričom v intenciách Godárovho výroku (a ťažiska Zeljenkovej tvorby pre film) ide takmer výlučne o filmy zo 60. rokov. Ešte predtým, konkrétne 8. novembra, sa však v Kine Lumière uskutoční spomienkový program venovaný Iljovi Zeljenkovi. Za cenné rady pri zostavení cyklu Ilja Zeljenka a film ďakujeme Eve Filovej a Rudolfovi Urcovi.

Poľský herec Zbigniew Cybulski by sa 3. novembra dožil 90 rokov. Tragická nehoda v roku 1967 predčasne ukončila jeho život vo veku 39 rokov. Cybulského označovali za poľského Jamesa Deana. Vo Filmotéke premietneme najskôr Popol a diamant Andrzeja Wajdu a Vlak Jerzyho Kawalerowicza (oba z konca 50. rokov). Nasledovať budú filmy z polovice 60. rokov (Ako byť milovaná, Jovita) a napokon opäť Wajdov film – Všetko na predaj, v ktorom sa režisér svojským spôsobom vyrovnáva s hercovou smrťou.Zápletka filmu sa odvíja od úmrtia herca pod kolesami vlaku – tak skonal práve Cybulski – a zamýšľa sa nad rolou herca nielen vo svete filmu, ale aj v životoch jeho blízkych.

Martin Scorsese sa preslávil v období tzv. nového Hollywoodu spolu so svojimi generačnými spolupútnikmi Francisom Fordom Coppolom, Brianom De Palmom, Georgeom Lucasom či Stevenom Spielbergom. 17. novembra sa tento pozoruhodný režisér, aktívny v kinematografii už 5 desaťročí, dožíva 75 rokov. Pri tejto príležitosti uvedieme jeho vynikajúci dlhometrážny hraný debut Kto klope na moje dvere?, v ktorom Harvey Keitel stvárňuje taliansko-amerického mladíka vyrovnávajúceho sa s pohnutou minulosťou svojej priateľky. Až neskôr sa Scorsese zapísal do povedomia publika na celom svete filmami, ktoré nakrútil s Robertom De Nirom v hlavnej úlohe. Fascinujúcim plodom tejto spolupráce (a tiež scenáristickej účasti Paula Schradera a spolupráce s hudobným skladateľom Bernardom Herrmannom) bol v roku 1976 Taxikár, ktorého budete mať možnosť vidieť v novembri na plátne Kina Lumière.

Vo Filmotéke pokračujú v novembri aj pravidelné a dlhodobé cykly. Rudolf Urc sa v cykle Očami filmových spravodajcov venuje zdraviciam milovanému Stalinovi. Eva Filová sa zase v rámci Kraťasov z archívu sústredila na svet divadla a filmu a pripravila výber z publicistických mesačníkov Sonda, zameraných práve na ne. V cykle Double Bill uvedieme filmy Kto sa bojí Virginie Woolfovej? Mika Nicholsa a Ucho Karla Kachyňu. Oba filmy sa odohrávajú počas jednej intenzívnej noci, ktorá obnaží temné stránky dvoch manželských párov.

Prehliadka Nemecká jeseň sa prehupla do svojej druhej polovice už koncom októbra. Začiatkom novembra uvedieme druhé pásmo krátkometrážnych filmov od tvorcov spájaných s Oberhausenským manifestom z roku 1962 (Oberhausenskí II) a potom výber z filmov režisérov ako Volker Schlöndorff (Mladý Törless, Baal + spolu s Margarethe von Trotta Stratená česť Kataríny Blumovej), Peter Fleischmann (Lovecké výjavy z Dolného Bavorska), Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Strach jesť duše) či Wim Wenders (V behu času). Akousi čerešničkou na torte bude dvojica filmov Wernera Herzoga Aj trpaslíci začínali malí Aguirre, hnev Boží. Najmä prvý z nich, raritne uvádzaná svojrázna anarchistická vízia vzbury skupiny trpaslíkov, ponúka vskutku pozoruhodný divácky zážitok, ktorý sa vymyká mnohým konvenciám. Prehliadku Nemecká jeseň pod záštitou ministra kultúry Slovenskej republiky Marka Maďariča organizuje Slovenský filmový ústav v spolupráci s Goetheho inštitútom.

V rámci cyklu Majstrovské diela francúzskej kinematografie uvedieme vďaka spolupráci s Francúzskym inštitútom na Slovensku film Deti raja režisérsko-scenáristického tandemu Marcel Carné – Jacques Prévert. Ide o akúsi „kodu“, veľkú syntézu či zavŕšenie tendencie nazývanej poetický realizmus, ktorá sa prejavila vo francúzskej kinematografii okolo polovice 30. rokov.

Dúfame, že si z novembrového programu FILMOTÉKY vyberiete.

Dovidenia v prítmí kinosály, priatelia. 

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The Oberhausener II

Die Oberhausener II; rôzni, 1961 – 1968, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; versions: OR

Short movies from Oberhausen manifesto. Show more

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Night Train

Pociąg; Jerzy Kawalerowicz, 1959, OV (poľ.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Jerzy Kawalerowicz, 1959, versions: OR

A man, Jerzy, enters a train set for the Baltic coast. He seems to be on the run from something--and so does the strange woman with whom he must share a sleeping compartment. Show more

2D OR 15
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How to Be Loved

Jak byc kochana; Wojciech Jerzy Has, 1962, DB (cz); Jak byc kochana, 1962, versions: CD

An actress travels from Warsaw to Paris and during the trip reflects on the last few years of her life. It goes back to the German occupation and her hiding of a fellow actor who has supposedly killed a collaborator. He is weak and a bit cowardly, but suffers most from not having any audience for his vanity, ego and supposed bravery. After the war he leaves her but finds out that he has been accused of cowardice. He finally commits suicide and she clears herself of a collaboration charge and eventually becomes a popular actress. Polish Cinema Database Show more

2D CD 15
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Jowita; Janusz Morgenstern, 1967, OV (poľ.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Janusz Morgenstern, 1967, versions: OR

A talented athlete falls for a mysterious girl at a fancy-dress party. When she disappears, the boy is desperate to find her. Show more

2D OR 15
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Greetings to beloved Stalin

Zdravice milovanému Stalinovi; 1946 – 1950, OV (sk) | filmotéka; versions: OR

Short television movies. Show more

2D OR 15
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Young Torless

Der junge Törless; Volker Schlöndorff, 1966, versions: OR , SS : deu

At a boarding school in the pre-war Austro-Hungarian Empire, a pair of students torture one of their fellow classmates, Basini, who has been caught stealing money from one of the two. The two decide that rather than turn Basini in to the school authorities, they will punish him themselves and proceed to torture, degrade, and humiliate the boy, with ever-increasing sadistic delight. As each day passes, the two boys are able to justify harsher treatment than previously given. Torless is a passive member of the group but observes rather than participates and frustrates the tormentors by dryly analyzing their behavior. Show more

2D OR SS 15
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Orchestra Rehearsal

Prova d'orchestra; Federico Fellini, 1978, versions: OR , SS : deu, ita

An orchestra assmbles for a rehearsal in an ancient chapel under the inquisive eyes of a TV documentary crew, but an uprising breaks out. Show more

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65,000.000 + predfilm: Operácia X

65,000.000; Miroslav Horňák, 1961, OV (rôzne); Miroslav Horňák, 1961, versions: OR

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2D OR 12
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Baal; Volker Schlöndorff, 1969, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Volker Schlöndorff, 1969, versions: OR

Baal explores the cult of the genius, an anti-heroic figure who chooses to be a social outcast and live on the fringe of bourgeois morality. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Sun In The Net

Slnko v sieti; Štefan Uher, 1962, versions: ES , OR : slk

A lyrical story of the shy love of two young people. They try to hide their doubts, lack of experience and fear by pretended cynicism and negative attitudes. But the truth is their inner worlds are full of emotions that they are afraid to reveal. Show more

2D ES OR 12
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Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?; Mike Nichols, 1966, DB (cz) | filmotéka; Mike Nichols, 1966, versions: CD

It can now be said: 1. Apart from its widespread critical acclaim, it has provoked more discussion, interest and excitement than any other picture in memory. 2. People want to see it - in unprecedented numbers. In its first engagements it has shattered every record in the history of all theatres involved. 3. It has become a significant and extraordinary entertainment event. It is truly a unique motion picture. Show more

2D CD 12
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The Ear

Ucho; Karel Kachyňa, 1970, versions: OR : ces

Husband (senior ministry official) and wife find their house is riddled with listening devices put there by his own ministry. A harrowing night follows (reminiscent of 'Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf'), and the resolution is _worse_ than being carted off to jail... In Czech only. Show more

2D OR 15
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Seven Days Every Week

Každý týždeň sedem dní; Eduard Grečner, 1964, versions: OR

A psychological story capturing the life of university students who are trying to find their place within the society even if they are often misunderstood or disappointed. The film also deals with the feelings of anxiety and fear of the threat of nuclear war. Show more

2D OR 15
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Who’s That Knocking at My Door

Who’s That Knocking at My Door; Martin Scorsese, 1967, OV (angl.) + ST (cz) | filmotéka; Martin Scorsese, 1967, versions: OR

J.R. is a typical Italian-American on the streets of New York. When he gets involved with a local girl, he decides to get married and settle down, but when he learns that she was once raped, he cannot handle it. More explicitly linked with Catholic guilt than Scorsese's later work, we see what happens to J.R. when his religious guilt catches up with him. Show more

2D OR 18
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The Wonder - Maid

Panna zázračnica; Štefan Uher, 1966, versions: OR : slk

The film renders the life of a young generation of artists formed during the middle of the war. Anabella - a beautiful young girl meets the company of friends and becomes the object of their dreams and desires. The artists, charmed by the magic about her do not notice her sadness which leads her to a tragic end. Show more

2D Stream OR 15
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A Trip Down The Danube

Výlet po Dunaji; Ján Lacko, 1962, versions: OR : ces, hun, slk

A comedy about the ill-manners of a group of Slovak tourists who go to Budapest by a steamer. There are three friends who always play cards, former customs-officer Hraško, coquettish Irena, Mr and Mrs Petráš, Garbariak, an old gentleman and elegant Mr Belan. Each of them takes the trip out of various interests of their own. Show more

2D OR 12
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Three Daughters

Tri dcéry;; Štefan Uher, 1967, versions: OR : ces, slk

An old folk ballad actualization about a father and his three daughters. After losing all of his possessions old Majda seeks shelter at his three daughters whom he had sent to cloister long ago to avoid the dividing of his property. Only his youngest daughter, although abandoned by her sisters herself, is willing to take care of him. Show more

2D OR 15
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Probe to the world of film and theater

Sonda do sveta filmu a divadla; rôzni, 1976 – 1990, OV (sk) | filmotéka; Director: various, versions: OR

Slovak short movies. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Dragon’s Return

Drak sa vracia; Eduard Grečner, 1967, versions: SV , OR : slk

A ballad of love, hatred and desire to escape from loneliness. A dramatic story of a reclusive potter, Martin Lepiš, who is blamed by the village people for acts he had never committed. After some years he returns but never finds his place among the villagers neither gains their trust, not even after he saves their properties from fire. Show more

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Hunting Scenes from Bavaria

Jagdszenen aus Niederbayern; Peter Fleischmann, 1969, OV (nem.) + ST (cz) | Nemecká jeseň; Peter Fleischmann, 1969, versions: OR

Abram returns to his small village and although his repairing skills are needed, people's suspicion about his sexual preferences make his life hard. Show more

2D OR 15
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Génius; Štefan Uher, 1969, versions: OR : slk

A metaphorical story dealing with the conflict between human thinking and ideals on one side and the strict inhumane mechanism of social institutions on the other. A satire of negative human relations focused on human meanness and other character qualities, such as pride, envy, malevolence, hatred and greed. Show more

2D OR 15
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Everything for Sale

Wszystko na sprzedaz; Andzrej Wajda, 1969, OV (poľ.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Andzrej Wajda, 1969, versions: OR

The disappearance of the leading actor from the film's set worries its director Andrzej. He embarks on a journey to look out for the actor with a young actor and missing actor's wife and mistress. Show more

2D OR 15
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Even Dwarfs Started Small

Auch Zwerge haben klein angefangen; Werner Herzog, 1970, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Werner Herzog, 1970, versions: OR

The inhabitants of an institution in a remote country rebel against their keepers. Their acts of rebellion are by turns humorous, boring and alarming. An allegory on the problematic nature of fully liberating the human spirit, as both commendable and disturbing elements of our nature come forward. The film shows how justifiable revolt may be empowering, but may also turn to chaos and depravity. The allegory is developed in part by the fact that the film is cast entirely with dwarfs. Show more

2D OR 15
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Wrong Side Up

Příběhy obyčejného šílenství; Petr Zelenka, 2005, versions: OR : ces

A black comedy based on director Petr Zelenka's successful stage play. It treats a simple theme: Jana has left Petr (Ivan Trojan), a boy 'who's not doing very well at the moment,' and he wants her back. In a film in which love seems like madness (and vice versa) many bizarre things rise to the surface. Petr's mother (Nina Divísková) sends blood to Chechnya. His father (Miroslav Krobot) once did voice-overs for newsreels and his wife forces him to dial a random telephone number in order to find out if people still recognize his voice. Petr's boss (Karel Hermánek) prefers a shop window mannequin to his own vivacious wife, the neighbors enjoy sex only if someone is watching them, and Petr has such lovely eyes... When things in his apartment start to liven up, Petr feels like he's going insane. Or is he the only normal one? Maybe everyone else around him is losing it. —Czech film center Show more

2D OR 12
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Children of Paradise

Les enfants du paradis; Marcel Carné, 1945, versions: OR , ES : fra

The theatrical life of a beautiful courtesan and the four men who love her. Show more

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Night Riders

Noční jazdci; Martin Hollý ml., 1981, versions: OR : slk

An adventurous drama about horse smuggling in the area of the borders between Poland and Slovakia shortly after the 2nd World War. Two strong individualities face each other - the horse smugglers´ leader Orban and the frontier-guard commander-in-chief Halva. They both act according to their own concern an that results in the meaningless death of five people. Show more

2D Stream OR 12
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Jubilee: Štefan Orth

Výročia: Štefan Orth; Štefan Orth, 1959 – 1971, OV (sk) | filmotéka; Štefan Orth, versions: OR

Short movies Show more

2D OR 15
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Aguirre, the Wrath of God

Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes; Werner Herzog, 1972, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Werner Herzog, 1972, versions: OR , SS

In the 16th century, the ruthless and insane Don Lope de Aguirre leads a Spanish expedition in search of El Dorado. Show more

2D OR SS 15
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And the Ship Sails On

E la nave va; Federico Fellini, 1983, versions: OR , SS : deu, ita, rus, srp

In 1914, a luxury ship leaves Italy in order to scatter the ashes of a famous opera singer. A lovable bumbling journalist chronicles the voyage and meets the singer's many eccentric friends and admirers. Show more

2D OR SS 15
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Fear Eats the Soul

Angst essen Seele auf; Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1974, versions: OR

An almost accidental romance is kindled between a German woman in her mid-sixties and a Moroccan migrant worker around twenty-five years younger. They abruptly decide to marry, appalling everyone around them. Show more

2D OR 15
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She Kept Crying For The Moon

Pásla kone na betóne; Štefan Uher, 1982, versions: OR : slk

A tragicomic picture of the mentality, way of life and uniqueness of the region of Eastern Slovakia. Lives of Johana Ovšená and her illegitimate daughter Pavlína mutually overlap in their course. Thus Johana, who lived in the countryside as a single mother before, must realize that her daughter is making the same mistake as she did years ago. Show more

2D OR 12
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About Fame And Grass

O sláve a tráve; Peter Solan, 1984, versions: OR : slk

A film composed of three short stories focusing on the problem of the other hidden of popularity. It captures the positive as well as the negative aspects of success, but it mainly focuses on the drawbacks of fame such as the loss of inner integrity, dissatisfactory emotional life and family break-up. Show more

2D OR 12
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Curator Of The Open - Air Museum

Správca skanzenu; Štefan Uher, 1988, versions: OR : slk

A story of a man who left his job and career and returns to his native village to become the curator of its open-air museum. His leave is an act of revolt against the misuse of his scientific work. He feels a need of finding his true undefiled self. A confession to his young daughter helps him to recapture his long-lost inner peace. Show more

2D OR 15
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Zakázané uvoľnenie; Juraj Lihosit, 1986, versions: OR : slk

A dramatical story about ice-hockey, people concerned with it and things going on backstage during a national championship. It reflects the moral qualities of the ambitious team secretary, an ice-hockey star and a TV reporter. It is a movie about fair and unfair play on ice and around it. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum

Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum; Volker Schlöndorff, Margarethe von Trotta, 1975, OV (nem.) + ST (cz) | Nemecká jeseň; Volker Schlöndorff, Margarethe von Trotta, 1975, versions: OR

A young woman's life is scrutinized by police and tabloid press after she spends the night with a suspected terrorist. Show more

2D OR 15
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In The Town Full Of Umbrellas

V meste plnom dáždnikov; Július Jarábek, 1989, OV (sk) | filmotéka; Július Jarábek, 1989, versions: OR

A story of the unfulfilled love of two young people. Tomáš, by his nature intensely perceives the schizofrenic times and the narrow-minded people of his small town. He happens to meet Alica, a girl who, involuntarily, has to marry the son of one of the most powerful men in the county. Thus Tomáš is suddenly cast in a battle with Alica’s brothers and the communist mafia - a battle he can never win. Show more

2D OR 12
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Kings of the Road

Im Lauf der Zeit; Wim Wenders, 1976, OV (nem.) + AT | Nemecká jeseň; Wim Wenders, 1976, versions: OR

A traveling projection-equipment mechanic works in Western Germany along the East-German border, visiting worn-out theatres. He meets with a depressed young man whose marriage has just broken up, and the two decide to travel together. Show more

2D OR 15