Jubilee: Michelangelo Antonioni

September 2017: Noc; Červená pustatina; Zväčšenina; Povolanie: reportér; Pátranie po jednej žene


29. septembra si pripomíname 105. výročie narodenia jednej z najvýraznejších postáv dejín talianskej a, širšie, svetovej kinematografie, režiséra Michelangelo Antonioni. Antonioni vo svojich filmoch skúmal a reagoval na atmosféru svojej doby a robil to naozaj fascinujúcim spôsobom. Jeho filmy, v ktorých si postavy hľadajú miesto vo vtedajšom modernom svete, sú zaujímavé a hlboko úprimné aj z hľadiska dnešných dní. Dnes sa už nachádzame v inej dobe – digitálnej, dobe internetu a smartfónov, avšak témy ktoré sa týkajú ľudskej podstaty sú nemenné. Odcudzenie vo svete technológií, odcudzenie sa prírode, je dnes ešte naliehavejším problémom, ako v čase vzniku Antonioniho diel. Komplikovanosť medziľudských vzťahov úzko súvisí s poznateľnosťou okolitého sveta a seba samého. Človek sa musí vyrovnať so svojou samotou vo vesmíre sám a to môže dosiahnuť v harmonickom fungovaní so svetom. A preto v Antonioniho filmoch sú konflikty postáv v ostrom kontraste k harmonickým obrazom plynúcim v pomalom rytme. 

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The Night

La Notte; Michelangelo Antonioni, 1961, versions: OR , SS

A day in the life of an unfaithful married couple and their steadily deteriorating relationship. Show more

2D OR SS 15
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Red Desert

Il deserto rosso; Michelangelo Antonioni, 1964, versions: OR , SS : ita

In a bleak rundown industrial area a young woman, Giuliana, tries to cope with life. She's married to Ugo the manager of a local plant but is soon having an affair with one of his co-workers, Corrado Zeller, who is visiting. Giuliana is unstable, not quite knowing anymore just what her role is, whether that be a wife, a mother or just another person. Her escape from life is short-lived however as Zeller is simply using her to satisfy his own needs and desires. Show more

2D OR SS 15
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Blow-up; Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966, OV (ang.) + ST (sk; Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966, versions: OR , SS

A mod London photographer finds something very suspicious in the shots he has taken of a mysterious beauty in a desolate park. Show more

2D OR SS 12
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The Passenger

Professione: reporter; Michelangelo Antonioni, 1975, versions: OR , SS : deu, eng, fra, spa

A reporter arrives at a desert hotel in a North African country in the Sahara Desert to report on the guerrillas fighting there. He meets a man who dies suddenly, and who resembles the reporter so much, that he decides to change identities with the dead man--to escape his personal problems and more. The life is of a man is made of his ingrained habits, and that will haunt him as he tries to start a new relationship with a young, strange woman he meets subsequently.... (source: imdb) Show more

2D OR SS 15
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Identification of a Woman

Identificazione di una donna; Michelangelo Antonioni, 1982, OV (tal. + ang. + franc.) + ST (sk) | filmotéka; Michelangelo Antonioni, 1982, versions: OR

The movie director Niccolo has just been left by his wife. This gives him the idea of making a movie about women's relationships. He starts to search for a woman who can play the leading part in the movie - but also in his own life... Show more

2D OR 18