Týždeň slovenského filmu 2017

3. - 9. apríl 2017

Týždeň slovenského filmu prekvapí bohatým programom a známymi hosťami

Týždeň slovenského filmu prinesie bratislavským divákom kolekciu minuloročných domácich titulov pohromade na jednom mieste a umožní dohnať resty, ktoré sa filmovým fanúšikom mohli vlani nazbierať. Počas siedmich dní, medzi 3. a 9. aprílom 2017, ponúkne takmer tri desiatky celovečerných filmov a niekoľko krátkometrážnych snímok. Súčasťou prehliadky bude aj tento rok odovzdávanie národnej filmovej ceny Slnko v sieti, slovenskej obdoby Českých levov či amerických Oscarov.
V ponuke Týždňa slovenského filmu nájdete hrané, dokumentárne aj animované snímky, viaceré ovenčené prestížnymi cenami zo svetových festivalov. Niektoré z uvádzaných titulov vznikli výhradne v slovenskej produkcii, ďalšie v koprodukcii s niektorým zo susedných štátov, najčastejšie s Českou republikou. Svoje diela prídu osobne uviesť mnohí tvorcovia, v kine Lumière sa budete môcť každý deň stretnúť a diskutovať s filmármi „spoza kamery“, s hereckými hviezdami, ale aj s odborníkmi na viaceré z tém, ktorým sa filmy venujú. Po skončení podujatia v Bratislave si budú môcť Ozveny Týždňa slovenského filmu vychutnať v priebehu apríla a mája diváci v Banskej Bystrici, Bytči, Kežmarku, Košiciach, Martine, Spišskej Novej Vsi, Trnave a Žiline.
Okrem prezentácie domácej filmovej tvorby pripravujú organizátori v duchu tohtoročného motta „Spoznaj slovenský film!“ aj bohatý sprievodný program. Na obľúbenom kvíze Múdreho pondelka si budete môcť otestovať znalosť slovenskej kinematografie, trojica odborných diskusií vám umožní vedomosti rozšíriť a konfrontovať svoj názor s názormi odborníkov na hranú, dokumentárnu aj animovanú tvorbu. Diskusie, podobne ako celý filmový a sprievodný program prehliadky, sú otvorené širokej verejnosti.
Spoločenským vrcholom sedemdňového podujatia bude odovzdávanie národných filmových cien Slnko v sieti, ktoré je ďalším z dôkazov, že slovenskej kinematografii sa darí. Ešte pred pár rokmi odovzdávala akadémia ocenenia najlepším filmom a filmárom raz za dva roky, vlani však zmenila periodicitu a Slnká v sieti udeľuje každoročne. Tento rok akademici vyberajú spomedzi rovnej dvadsiatky prihlásených titulov, spomedzi ktorých je 9 celovečerných hraných a 11 celovečerných dokumentárnych filmov. V kategórii animovanej tvorby sa neprihlásil dostatočný počet filmov, v súlade so štatútom Slnka v sieti v nej preto cena nebude udelená. Nominácie v ostatných kategóriách vyhlási Slovenská filmová a televízna akadémia 7. marca 2017, slávnostný galavečer odovzdávania ocenení sa bude konať o mesiac neskôr, 7. apríla 2017 v Starej tržnici a v priamom prenose ho na Jednotke odvysiela RTVS.

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K2 Rudolf Urc: Dokumenty | Týždeň slovenského filmu

Rudolf Urc: Dokumenty; rôzni, 74´, 1964 - 2011, OV (sk) | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Director: various, versions: SV

GEN: Rudolf Urc Martin Šulík, 2011, 14` Tri spomienky Pavol Sýkora, Rudolf Urc, Andrej Kristín, 1964, 10` Brankár Pavol Sýkora, Rudolf Urc, 1965, 12` Nedokončená kronika Rudolf Urc, 1967, 14` Leopoldovská pevnosť Ladislav Kudelka, 1968, 24` Čarovný svet animovaného filmu: Tajomstvá filmového triku Rudolf Urc, Marek urban, 2011, 13` Show more

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K2 Rudolf Urc: Animované filmy | Týždeň slovenského filmu

Rudolf Urc: Animované filmy; rôzni, 87´, 1982 - 1999, OV (sk) | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Director: various, versions: SV

Ako ich nepoznáme: Filmár Rudo Urc František Jurišič, 1999, 15` Mesto na Dunaji Rudolf Urc, 1985, 7` Narodeniny 2001 Ivan Popovič, Milan Peťovský, 1977, 4` Prvá trieda Rudolf Urc, 1984, 7` Selekcia Viktor Kubal, 1982, 6` Obyčajný príbeh Zlatica Vejchodská, 1982, 9` Dada, Dodo a vajíčka Rudolf Urc, 1988, 7` Údel Jaroslava Havettová, 1988, 11` Ki-ki-ri-kí František Jurišič, 1985, 7` Čarovný svet animovaného filmu: Čas hľadania, čas nádejí Rudolf Urc, Marek Urban, 2011, 13` Show more

2D SV 12
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Abandoned Space

Opuštěný vesmír; Peter Hledík, 2015, OV (sk, cz; Peter Hledík, 2015, versions: OR

What awaits us after death remains a mystery, even though we doggedly seek an answer. Does this question even make sense? This documentary is about death and dying and about two (im)possibilities of life after death. In the first view, we take a look at current scientific knowledge which does not exclude some form of endurance for the human substance even after physical death. In the second one, we look into the author’s personal experience with the death of a beloved and at how well-known personalities in the art-world cope with mortality. Show more

2D OR 12
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In Your Dreams

Ani ve snu!; Peter Oukropec, 79´, 2016, OV (cz) + AT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Petr Oukropec, 2016, versions: ES

16-year-old Laura is swift, lively and stubborn. She wants to join a group of parkourists and gets caught off guard by love which she begins to feel toward Luky. She starts living a double life. In the fantasy world of romantic and comic visions Luky belongs to her. In reality her attempt to get closer to Luky fails. The moment these two worlds somehow entwine, Laura has to decide which one she wants to choose. imdb.com Show more

2D ES 12
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Agáva; Ondrej Šulaj, 91´, 2016, OV (sk); Ondrej Šulaj, 2016, versions: ES

Agave appears as a simple story of four protagonists – the old doctor Varga, the builder Hampel, his young wife Nadja, and the young teacher Daniel Orešanský; however, it unfolds a powerful psychological study of various characters. The story is set in the hot, dry summer of 1947. Somewhere between the scorching air and the human destinies, one can foresee the colossal and horrific turning-point of February 1948. The protagonists endeavor to conceal their agony for a long time. But once their torments and ardent emotions come to the surface, they are like a volcanic eruption. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D ES 15
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Okhwan's Mission Impossible

Okhwan na ceste za slobodou; Marek Mackovič, 71´, 2016, OV (ang.) + ST + AT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Marek Mackovič, 2016, versions: ES

Okhwan Yoon used to be an ordinary law graduate and a successful businessman until he decided to set off on an epic bicycle journey across 192 countries to reconnect the scattered families of his own nation. He decided to reunify Korea. After 10 years of cycling around the world, he decided to make a final sacrifice in order to make a change. A hero or a fool? source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D ES 12
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Finále; Palo Korec, Dušan Milko, 89´, 2016, OV (sk) | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Dušan Miko, Palo Korec, 2016, versions: SV

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2D SV 12
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Little Feather

Pirko; Lucia a Petr Klein Svoboda, 93´, 2016, OV (sk) + AT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Lucia a Petr Klein Svoboda, 2015, versions: ES

Martina is a young girl who loves dancing and goes by a nick name Shakira. Martina is leaving a foster home in Eastern Slovakia as she has reached adulthood, now she plans to join her older boyfriend Roman in Prague. Before she leaves, she promises to pick up her best friend Jana once Jana reaches 18 years as well. The film follows Martina's journey, and we will learn that the life waiting outside is not going to be easy at all. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D ES 15
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Stanko; Rasťo Boroš, 79´, 2015, OV (sk) | Leto: Road Movies; Rasťo Boroš, 2015, versions: OR

Stanko has lived on Italian farms for years. Because of lies and broken promises, he is unable to find anyone to lend him any more money. He gets his last chance when Paolo, his boss, asks him to drive a girl from Slovakia to Italy. Stanko has no idea how the girl is going to end up; in fact, heʼs not really interested, just determined to get the job done. He wants to get something right, at last. The journey, however, becomes unexpectedly complicated when the girl, who at first was nothing more to him than a means of getting out of trouble, becomes his friend. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D OR 12
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Zem, ktorá hľadá svoje nebo

Zem, ktorá hľadá svoje nebo; Erik Praus, 70´, 2016, OV (sk) + AT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Erik Praus, 2016, versions: ES

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2D ES 12
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Difficult Choice

Ťažká voľba; Zuzana Piussi, 70´, 2016, OV (sk ) | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Zuzana Piussi, Edo Cicha, Jakub Julény, Rober, 2016, versions: SV

The World Economic Forum in 2014 described and statistically documented a number of key global issues that indicate a critical and disruptive social phenomena. Among them is the deteriorating position of representative democracy, consisting in the loss of confidence in elected representatives of the people and of the mechanisms and processes that precede the election. As shown in the chart compiled SEF for the last half-century, this trend is steadily deteriorating, the acceleration took place after the crisis in 2008, when the entire Western world mass expressed distrust of the people in the ability of the political class to solve the ensuing crisis. The film explores the phenomenon against the background of Slovakia's presidential election - examines the candidate, voters and electoral mechanisms in the heart of Central Europe. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

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Life in the clouds

Život v oblakoch; Erik Baláž, 50´, 2016, OV + AT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Erik Baláž, 2016, versions: ES

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The Red Spider

Czerwony pajak; Marcin Koszałka, 2016, versions: CS : pol

Karol, an ordinary young man, runs into a much older man, whom he believes to be the so-called Red Spider, the terrifying serial killer prowling the streets of Kraków in the 1960s. Karol becomes obsessed with the man and spies on him. In the meantime he meets Danka, a slightly older photographer, working for the local newspaper. Tempted by love, fascinated by death, Karol will soon have to make the most important choice of his life. Show more

2D CS 15
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K2 Panel o slovenskom dokumentárnom filme 2016 | Týždeň slovenského filmu

Panel o slovenskom dokumentárnom filme 2016 | Týždeň slovenského filmu;

Martin Palúch, Tomáš Hučko Diskusia Štvrtok 6. 4. 2017, Kino Lumière, 13:00 - 16:00 Vstup na sprievodné podujatia a trojicu filmových diskusií je voľný. Show more

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Murderous Tales

Smrtelné historky; Jan Bubeníček, 80´, 2016, OV + AT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Jan Bubeníček, 2016, versions: ES

A suspicious Mexican cactus inherited from grandpa, a miniature professor who opposes animal slaughter for scientific purposes, a duo of incompetent killers in a jalopy, and an incredibly stupid knight fighting a dragon: heroes big and small in three separate stories, alternating with absurd dragon intermezzos, experience original, darkly playful, cross-genre variations on heroism and death in Jan Bubenicek's special-effects film. Each uniquely elaborate segment with its intriguing visual style uses a wide range of 2D and 3D animation approaches with traditional puppets, a combination of miniatures with rear-projection, hand-drawn and computer animation, and motion-capture of live actors. Show more

2D ES 12
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Tatras: The New Story

Tatry, nový príbeh; Michal Romeo Dvořák, 61´, 2016, OV + AT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Michal Romeo Dvořák, 2016, versions: ES

The High Tatras are the most frequently fi lmed location in Slovakia. Despite this, a plan to make yet another fi lm about the Tatras came into existence in 2013. A documentary, an absolutely unique fi lm in terms of image, a fi lm as a testimony to one generation of people living in the Tatras who want to return to the Tatras what they have received from them. Several people share their stories in the fi lm – Katka, a Slovak-Canadian traveller who fi nds her lost home here, Pišta Backor, a Tatra porter who is looking for ways of combining his love for the mountains with his position as father of a family, and Patrik Kolesár, the head of the Tatra Beautifi cation Society, who is not afraid to look courageously at the future of the High Tatras. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D ES 12
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Richard Müller:Nespoznaný

Richard Müller: Nespoznaný; Miro Remo, 2016, OV (sk; Miro Remo, 2016, versions: ES , OR

A story about a father and son concealed within one man. It is a story of taking stock of one’s life. Of humility and recovery. Of the renaissance of the soul. An exposed singer is the main hero of the story. His borderline conditions and several other circumstances land him in hospital. During the first days of his stay in hospital he has no idea whether (and if so, in what condition) he will ever be able to return home. This threat leads him to look deep into his soul and takes him on a short trip through his life up to then. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D ES OR 12
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K4 Diskusia: Richard Müller: Nespoznaný | Týždeň slovenského filmu

Diskusia: Richard Müller: Nespoznaný | Týždeň slovenského filmu;

Štvrtok 6. 4. 2017, Kino Lumière, kinosála K4, 19:45 Vstup na sprievodné podujatia a trojicu filmových diskusií je voľný. FB event Show more

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Short animated films

Pásmo animovaných filmov; rôzni, 72´, 2015-2016, OV (sk) + eAT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Director: various, versions: ES

Škandinávia Katarína Kočanová, 2016, AT, 2` Drobci - epizóda Preteky Vanda Raýmanová, Michal Struss, 2016, AT, 8` Chilli Martina Mikušová, 2016, AT, 8` Kráska a rytier Matej Babic, 2016, AT, 5` Spasenie Marek Jasaň, 2016, AT, 2` Okupácia Martina Mikušová, 2016, AT, 4` Balónové dievča Martina Frajštáková, 2015, AT, 15` Superbia Luca Tóth, 2016, AT, 15` Jahodové dni Eva Sekerešová, 2016, AT, 13` Show more

2D ES 12
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K2 Panel o slovenskom animovanom filme 2016 | Týždeň slovenského filmu

Panel o slovenskom animovanom filme 2016 | Týždeň slovenského filmu;

Eva Šošková, Maroš Brojo Diskusia Piatok 7. 4. 2017, Kino Lumière, 13:00 - 16:00 Vstup na sprievodné podujatia a trojicu filmových diskusií je voľný. Show more

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K2 Zlatá lýra 1. diel: Roky nádeje | Týždeň slovenského filmu

Zlatá lýra 1. diel: Roky nádeje; Peter Hledík, 58´, 2015, OV | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Peter Hledík, 2015, versions: OR

Desaťdielny dokumentárny cyklus o medzinárodnom festivale populárnej piesne Bratislavská lýra, ktorý ovplyvnil nielen dianie na tejto scéne, ale aj vývoj populárnej hudby v Československu od roku 1966 až po Nežnú revolúciu. Počas 30-tich rokov svojej existencie nielenže upriamil pozornosť na malú krajinu v srdci Európy, ale stal sa pýchou medzinárodného združenia festivalov populárnej hudby združených vo Federation of International Festivals Organization. Od svojho vzniku v roku 1966 bol v socialistickom Československu vždy akýmsi závanom slobody, keďže na ňom účinkovali nielen najlepší československí interpreti, ale aj celý rad zahraničných hviezd prvej veľkosti ako boli Josefine Baker, Cliff Richard, Gilbert Bécaud, Mireille Mathieu, Sandy Shaw, Drupi, Stevie Wonder, Amanda Lear alebo Joe Cocker. Hoci sa počas svojej existencie festival nevyhol ideologickým vplyvom, politickým zásahom, finančnému podhodnoteniu, technickým a technologickým nedostatkom či rozdielnym pohľadom na samotnú populárnu hudbu vplyvom rôznych naturelov dvoch národností, napriek tomu bol štartom pre viaceré generácie autorov a interpretov. Víťazstvom alebo upútaním pozornosti na festivale sa súťažiacim zmenil život doslova z večera do rána. V cykle účinkuje takmer 200 osobností zo sveta česko-slovenskej aj zahraničnej hudobnej scény a je v ňom použité veľké množstvo unikátneho archívneho materiálu, v ktorom sú zachytené spevácke vystúpenia domácich a svetových hviezd, zákulisie organizácie festivalu, no zaujímavý je aj presah do súčasnosti a pohľad organizátorov, interpretov a autorov s odstupom mnohých rokov. Cyklus však nie je iba sumárom udalostí, ktoré sa viažu výlučne k festivalu. Tvorcovia si dali za cieľ ukázať, ako na charakter festivalu a jeho jednotlivých ročníkov vplývala celková spoločenská a politická situácia, ako jeho tvár formovali udalosti i konkrétni jednotlivci, medzi ktorých patril aj slovenský fotograf svetového mena Dežo Hoffman. Popri výpovediach známych osobností – organizátorov, spevákov, skladateľov a textárov, pracovali tvorcovia aj s veľkým množstvom filmového archívneho materiálu, fotografiami, bulletinmi, zápisnicami. Práce na tvorbe samotného cyklu trvali viac ako tri roky, avšak kompletizácia informácií trvala takmer 10 rokov. Použité archívne materiály pochádzajú z archívov Slovenskej a Českej televízie, Slovenského filmového ústavu, Národného archívu SR a sú doplnené o rozhovory s pamätníkmi festivalu či zvukové záznamy z archívu Slovenského rozhlasu. Show more

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Trabant - from Australia to Bangkok

Trabantem do posledního dechu; Dan Přibáň, 96´, 2016, OV (cz) ; Dan Přibáň, 2016, versions: ES , OR

Two Trabants, one Polish Fiat and an two motorcycles set out on a journey from Australia to Bangkok. In addition to multiple dangers lurking in the unknown environments, the team faces a new challenge of having wheelchair users as one of its Trabant crews. Continuation of successful Trabant films series. Show more

2D ES OR 12
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Family Film

Rodinný film; Olmo Omerzu, 95´, 2015, OV (cz) + AT | filmotéka; Olmo Omerzu, 2015, versions: ES

Husband and wife set sail on the ocean, leaving their two children at home to explore the freedom offered them by the absence of parental supervision. But fear clouds the kids' seemingly carefree life after they lose contact with their parents: their boat capsizes in a storm and the father's beloved dog is lost. The timing of the parents' return corresponds to a tragedy at home. Their son lies in the hospital badly in need of a kidney transplant. Show more

2D ES 12
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K2 IMT Smile a Lúčnica: Made in Slovakia | Týždeň slovenského filmu

IMT Smile a Lúčnica: Made in Slovakia; Paľo Janík, 110´, 2016, OV | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Paľo Janík, 2016, versions: OR

Snímka opisuje jedinečný projekt, ktorý pobláznil celé Slovensko a dostal sa dokonca i za jeho hranice do Čiech. Spojenie tradičného v podobe súboru Lúčnica s kapelou IMT Smile na čele s obľúbeným a charizmatickým spevákom Ivanom Táslerom a režisérsky počin Jána Ďurovčíka, nenechalo divákov chladnými, podmanivé tóny ľudovej hudby v unikátnej kombinácii s tvorbou prešovskej hudobnej formácie zmenilo mnoho divákov na tanečníkov. Vypredané koncerty, neutíchajúci potlesk, tisíce nadšených fanúšikov, toto všetko a mnoho viac, bude súčasťou snímky IMT Smile a Lúčnica: Made in Slovakia. Pozriete sa však i do zákulisia tohto unikátneho projektu. Nahliadnete do jeho „kuchyne“ a ukážeme vám, čo všetko sa za projektom skrýva... Show more

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K2 Anjel pána 2 | Týždeň slovenského filmu

Anděl Páně 2; Jiří Strach, 99´, 2016, DB (sk) | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Jiří Strach, 2016, versions: SD

Anjel Pána 2 je voľným pokračovaním úspešnej vianočnej rozprávky o symbolických protipóloch dobra a zla – anjelovi Petronelovi a čertovi Uriášovi, ktorí sa tento raz vydávajú na ľudský svet, aby našli stratené jablko stromu poznania. Sú vystavení mnohým ľudským i „božským“ skúškam, aby nakoniec zistil, že cesta k poznaniu vedie predovšetkým cez seba samého, cez objavenie sily priateľstva, lásky a schopnosti odpustenia. Show more

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Stuck with a Perfect Woman

Bezva ženská na krku; Tomáš Hoffman, 97´, 2016, OV (cz) + AT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Tomáš Hoffman, 2016, versions: ES

Zdena's husband has left her for a younger woman. She is childless, in her early forties, yet still attractive. Till then she had taken care of her successful husband, but now she has to start anew without his financial support. Zdena starts teaching at a local village school. Since she can't find a lodging, she moves to a former morgue. The small house is already occupied by a quirky and grumpy graveyard keeper named Bozicek. Their house sharing leads to a series of comical conflicts, but they eventually fall in love and Zdena proves to her ex-husband that she is able to stand on her own. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D ES 12
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5 October

5 October; Martin Kollár, 2016, versions: OR : zxx

A silent story about a man waiting for an important surgery. After he learns he's facing the possibility of only having a few last months to live, he embarks on a journey without no destination and only a “deadline” – October 5. Show more

2D OR 15
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The Tiger Theory

Teorie tygra; Radek Bajgar, 101´, 2016, OV (cz) + AT | Týždeň slovenského filmu; Radek Bajgar, 2016, versions: ES

Jan is a veterinarian in his sixties getting tired of life. The suicide of his father-in-law who lost his will to live is the last drop to his depressive state of mind. Jan realizes that he is following in his footsteps and if he doesn´t do anything soon, he will end up the very same way. At first, he flees mentally into himself, later physically as well. He sets out on a journey to fulfill something like the dream of his life. Besides Jan´s quest for freedom, we follow the marriages of his two daughters. Each of them approaches their partner in a radically distinct way, which is reflected in the quality of their relationships. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D ES 12
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Steam on the River

Pára nad řekou; Robert Kirchhoff, Filip Remunda, 2015, versions: OR , SS

This documentary jam session loosely inspired by Puccini's La Boheme talks, in crazy situations, about three artists of the life, dying and death: Laco Deczi - trumpet, Jan Jankeje - double bass, Ľubomír Tamaškovič - saxophone. They do not do anything, they are simply trying to survive. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D OR SS 15
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KafeHaus Kino Lumière: Diskusia: Para nad riekou | Týždeň slovenského filmu

Diskusia: Para nad riekou | Týždeň slovenského filmu;

Sobota 8. 4. 2017, KafeHaus Kino Lumière, 20:45 Vstup na sprievodné podujatia a trojicu filmových diskusií je voľný. FB event Show more

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The Red Captain

Červený kapitán; Michal Kollár, 2016, versions: ES , SV : ces, slk

The long hot summer of 1992, shortly before the break-up of Czechoslovakia. While reconstructing a cemetery, the workers chance upon a body with a nail stuck in the skull. The man was hurriedly and secretly buried seven years previously. The murder is too fresh and too cruel to be ignored. However, it would be better if detective Richard Krauz did ignore it. Show more

2D ES SV 15
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Freedom Under Load

Sloboda pod nákladom; Pavol Barabáš, 2016, versions: OR , ES

With hundred kilos on their backs they are facing storms, blizzards and deep snow. Their craft is not only a profession, but also their way to the calmness. In the documentary Freedom under Load we get to know the oldest generation of the porters in the High Tatras, who climb with supplies to the mountain huts every day. We discover why they have chosen this way of life and why they remain the last of the Mohicans on the European continent. And maybe we find out something about our own load that we carry. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D Stream OR ES 12
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The Teacher

Učiteľka; Jan Hřebejk, 2016, versions: ES , SV : slk

Since the arrival of the new teacher, Maria Drazdechova, to a Bratislava suburban school in the year of 1983, life has turned upside down for students and parents. The teacher's corrupted behavior and one of the students' suicide attempt that could be related to that matter, makes the school Principal call the students' parents for an urgent meeting that will suddenly put the future of all the families at stake. They are asked to sign a petition to move Miss Drazdechova out of the school. The teacher's high connections within the Communist Party makes everyone feel threatened, but at his point they have no choice but to make a decision: will they dare to go against Miss Drazdechova and stand up for what they believe in at any risk, or will they just remain silent and let things be? Show more

2D ES SV 12
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I, Olga Hepnarová

Já, Olga Hepnarová; Petr Kazda, Tomáš Weinreb, 105´, 2016, OV (cz) + AT ; Tomáš Weinreb, Petr Kazda, 2016, versions: OR , CV , ES

Olga Hepnarova was a young, lonely lesbian outsider from a coldhearted family who couldn't play the part society desired of her. Her paranoid self-examination and inability to connect with other people eventually drove her over the edge of humanity when she was only twenty-two years old. The film shows the human being behind the mass murderer without glorifying or downplaying the terrible crime she committed. Guided by her letters we delve into Olga's psyche and witness the worsening of her loneliness and alienation as we reconstruct the events that led up to her disastrous actions. Evil is part of being human. Although the story is set in the 1970ies, young people worldwide today still face problems of not belonging, being different, and being bullied because of race, gender or sexual orientation. Show more

2D OR CV ES 15
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A Prominent Patient

Masaryk; Julius Ševčík, 2016, versions: OR

Winter 1939. Flamboyant Czech diplomat Jan Masaryk has fled to America to escape his recent past. Germany has invaded Czechoslovakia and Masaryk is now a man without a nation. In America, he tries to forget the personal and political betrayals he and his country have suffered – but these events shadow his every step. Having served as the Czechoslovak ambassador in London, Masaryk had failed to win the support of the British and could not avert the ruination of his country. With the help of Dr. Stein, a German immigrant and psychiatrist, and the beautiful writer Marcia Davenport, Masaryk tries to overcome his demons and relives the dramatic events leading up to the outbreak of the Second World War. source: http://www.aic.sk Show more

2D OR 12