DOUBLE BILL (3/2017)

Marec 2017: Šťastie, Modrý zamat

Typické americké stredostavovské mesto. Biele latkové ploty. Dokonale upravené trávniky pred domami, ktoré obývajú harmonické rodiny. Slušní ľudia. Za zatvorenými dverami domov, spální či podvedomia sa však skrývajú temné stránky ich „obyčajných“ obyvateľov. Sexuálne deviácie a násilie tu tvoria základ domácej traumy. Epizodické Šťastie Todda Solondza sa na tento zvrhlý svet pod pokrievkou „normálnosti“ pozerá ešte zvrhlejšou optikou – s čierno čiernym humorom. David Lynch otvára v Modrom zamate šatník malomestského podvedomia, kde kostlivci sú to najmenej čoho by ste sa mali obávať. Sex a násilie (samostatne aj v ľubovoľnej kombinácii a poradí) sú bežnou kratochvíľou nevyspytateľného psychopata Franka Bootha a jeho partie z pekla. Ak sa rozhodnete s nami do týchto svetov vstúpiť, tak len na vlastné riziko... 

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Happiness; Todd Solondz, 1998, OV (angl., rus.) + ST (cz; Todd Solondz, 1998, versions: OR

The lives of several individuals intertwine as they go about their lives in their own unique ways, engaging in acts society as a whole might find disturbing in a desperate search for human connection. Show more

2D OR 15
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Blue Velvet

Blue Velvet; David Lynch, 1986, versions: CS : eng

College student Jeffrey Beaumont returns to his hometown Lumberton after his father suffered a stroke. Walking home from the hospital he finds a human ear, which he takes to police detective Williams. Williams’s daughter Sandy tells Jeffrey that it somehow relates back to a lounge singer named Dorothy Vallens. Jeffrey attends Dorothy’s nightclub act. Fascinated by her, he leaves early and breaks into Dorothy’s apartment. There he witnesses a brutal rape, and subsequently discovers that Dorothy’s husband and child had been abducted by psychopathic murderer Frank Booth... David Lynch’s psychological thriller offers a glance into the world of violence and sexual perversion concealed behind the facade of an idyllic American provincial town with blooming and well-tended front yards. Show more

2D 2D4K CS 18