Safe & Sound Film Days

8. - 9. november 2024

Safe & Sound Film Days is a two-day educational event in the areas of mental
health, safety and sensitization in filmmaking and production. The film industry ranks as one
of the high stress industries. Through the form of discussions, workshops and an
accompanying programme, it aims to create a space for filmmakers and filmmakers to safely
share and exchange experiences, feelings and knowledge. At the same time, it wants to
bring the topics at hand to a wider community that can learn more about the film
environment and its challenges.
Up to date stay safe and sane!

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What is intimacy coordination with Sara Arrhusius | Safe & Sound Film Days

What is intimacy coordination with Sara Arrhusius; : eng

Exploring the Art of Intimacy on Screen: A Conversation on Intimacy Coordination Join us as we dive into intimacy coordination, exploring how intimate scenes are handled from historical and modern-day perspectives. What does an intimacy coordinator do, and why does it matter? We’ll discuss the importance of these professionals in creating safe, respectful, and authentic performances. Have questions, concerns, or curiosities about intimacy on set? This is your chance to get answers! Show more

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Ako ostať v bezpečí a duševne zdravý/á počas procesu natáčania filmu? | Safe & Sound Film Days

Ako ostať v bezpečí a duševne zdravý/á počas celého procesu natáčania filmu?; : eng

Ako zostať v bezpečí a psychickej pohode počas celého filmového procesu? Panelová diskusia s iniciatívou Sane Cinema, ktorú zastupuje Louise Højgaard Johansen, s filmovými profesionálmi*kami a odborníkom na duševné zdravie o vytváraní a udržiavaní bezpečného priestoru a zdravých pracovných vzťahov počas výroby filmu. Diskusia bude prebiehať iba v anglickom jazyku. ~ Panel Discussion with the Sane Cinema Initiative, represented by Louise Højgaard Johansen, film professionals, and a mental health professional, on creating and maintaining a safe space and healthy working relationships throughout the filmmaking process. The discussion will be in English. Show more

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100,000,000,000,000 alebo A HUNDRED THOUSAND BILLION

Cent mille milliards; Virgil Vernier, 2024, versions: ES : fra

Julia described palaces, diamonds, and the afterlife to captivated Afine during their night-long conversation in her room, exposing him to a world beyond his knowledge. Show more

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