Jeden svet 2023

24. ročník medzinárodného festivalu dokumentárnych filmov Jeden svet sa uskutoční 3. – 9. novembra 2023 (aj) v Kine Lumiére x SNG. Hlavná téma ročníka je LÁSKA. Jeden svet prinesie na filmové plátna lásku vo všetkých jej podobách. Slovenská online aj offline spoločnosť je už nejaký čas plná konfliktov a napätia. Jeden svet chce preto tento rok hovoriť o komunite, bezpečnom prostredí, podpore, dôvere, pomoci aj hľadaní spoločnej reči. Jednoducho o láske. 

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Seven winters in Tehran

Sieben Winter in Teheran; Steffi Niederzoll, 2023, versions: OR : fas

Tehran, July 2007: Reyhaneh Jabbari, 19, has a business meeting with a new client. When he tries to rape her, she stabs him in self-defense. Later that day, she is arrested for murder. Her trial results in a death penalty sentence. Thanks to personal and secretly recorded videos provided by Reyhaneh's family, their testimonies and the letters written by Reyhaneh in prison, the film retraces the fate of a woman who becomes a symbol of resistance and women's rights even beyond the borders of Iran. With Zar Amir Ebrahimi (Holy Spider, Best Actress Cannes Film Festival 2022) as Reyhaneh’s Voice Show more

2D OR 15
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Jeden svet v krátkosti | Jeden svet 2023

Jeden svet v krátkosti ; versions: OR

Výber krátkometrážnych dokumentárnych filmov z celého sveta. Konkrétne filmy zverejníme čoskoro. Predaj akreditácií a vstupeniek na Show more

2D OR 15
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Apolonia, Apolonia

Apolonia, Apolonia; Lea Glob, 2022, versions: OR : dan, eng, fra, pol, rus

The talented Apolonia grows up seeking her place in the art world while grappling with the agonies and joys of womanhood and relationships in a world dominated by patriarchy, capitalism, and war. Show more

2D OR 15
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Blix Not Bombs

Blix Not Bombs; Greta Stocklassa, 2023, versions: CS : eng

“Why can't we live in peace?” asks Stocklassa in the personal introduction to her documentary. She searches for an answer together with Hans Blix, former head of the UN Security Council weapons inspectors. In a candid recap interview, Stocklassa focuses primarily on the search for weapons of mass destruction after September 11, 2001. Although they were never found, they served as a pretext for the US invasion of Iraq. When it comes to the question of personal responsibility for the war and other disasters, Blix transforms from a kindly Swedish senior citizen into a forceful diplomat who refuses to discuss certain topics. His portrait also provides an insightful discussion of the limits of diplomacy and empathy. Show more

2D CS 12
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Between Revolutions

Între revoluții; Vlad Petri, 2023, versions: OR : fas, ron

In 1970s Bucharest, Zahra and Maria form a deep friendship while studying at university. As political turmoil brews in Iran, Zahra is forced to return home, leaving Maria behind. Over the next decade, they maintain their connection through a series of letters, chronicling their struggles as women fighting for a voice and their respective countries moving in divergent directions. Despite the distance and obstacles, their longing for each other remains strong. Show more

2D OR 15
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Fest Anča pre deti Jedného sveta | Jeden svet 2023

Fest Anča pre deti Jedného sveta; rôzni, versions: OR : zxx

Once again this year, in cooperation with the international animation festival Fest Anča, One World will present a collection of entertaining but also educational animated films from the last edition of Fest Anča. It includes internationally acclaimed short films from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands, South Korea and the United States. The films are Writing Home, Coot, Night Market, The Other Planet, Battery Mommy and Hello Summer. The films present the themes of friendship, sense of belonging and inclusion in the context of war, migration, and environmental protection. Battery Mommy won the Anča Award 2024 from a special children's jury for the best film for children. It is interesting to note that the creative team behind The Other Planet includes a group of ten children. For this family screening, we take into account the needs and well-being of all audiences, including the little ones. You have a lot to look forward to! The films are without dialogue, making them accessible to deaf people and non-Slovak speakers, as well as to children aged three and older. The introduction will be interpreted into sign language. Show more

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Photophobia; Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, 2023, versions: SS : rus, ukr

12-year-old Niki and 11-year old Vika are hiding from the terrifying war at a Kharkiv metro station. Daylight is synonymous with mortal danger, and they are not allowed to leave, living under the constant glow of their neon lights. Show more

2D SS 12
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Art Talent Show

Zkouška umění; Adéla Komrzý, Tomáš Bojar, 2022, versions: OR : ces

Every year, dozens of young people hope to be admitted to the art academy in Prague. This award-winning documentary at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival observes the entrance exams, with a touch of dry humor. Over a number of days, prospective students present their work, receive assignments and are interviewed. The film follows three pairs of teachers, each tasked with making a selection for their own department. While one pair takes the young people out of their comfort zone with difficult questions, another cheerfully discusses the difference between bisexual and pansexual. As an anchor, the film keeps returning to a shot of the hall with the glass booth of the receptionist, who has little time for all these eccentric, gender-fluid, artsy types. At a patient pace and with an unobtrusive style reminiscent of the work of Frederick Wiseman, the film raises provocative questions, not only about what constitutes good art, and how to identify it, but also about how art relates to the world, shifting generations and changing power relationships. Show more

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Audiovízia bez bariér (diskusia) | Jeden svet 2023

Audiovízia bez bariér III: Nevidiaci a nepočujúci v kine – napredujeme (?);

Už tretí ročník inklúzie na Jednom svete priam pozýva poohliadnuť sa na slovenskej ceste po prístupnosti filmu a filmových festivalov a zamyslieť sa, či a kam sme sa v našej krajine v tomto smere posunuli. Pomáha otváranie sa festivalov odbúrať dobre známe nedá sa, nevieme, nie sú prostriedky? Nakopla európska legislatíva a iniciatívy kultúrneho sektora dianie u nás doma a sú naše kiná prístupnejšie pre divákov s poruchou zraku či sluchu? Ak nie, aké máme pred sebou prekážky a ako ich môžeme spoločne odstrániť? Oplatí sa to vôbec? Čo vlastne prináša inklúzia filmovým festivalom, komunitám a samotnému filmu? Hostia – Stanislav Sokol (zástupca divákov s poruchou zraku, Únia nevidiacich a slabozrakých Slovenska), Michal Hefty (zástupca divákov s poruchou sluchu, Myslím – centrum kultúry Nepočujúcich), Oľga Davalová (odborníčka zo sekcie médií, audiovízie a autorského práva, Ministerstvo kultúry SR), Gabriele Uzzo (expert na prístupnosť, Taliansko), moderuje Emília Perez (expertka v oblasti prístupnosti, Katedra translatológie FF UKF v Nitre). Predaj akreditácií a vstupeniek na Show more

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A life like any other

Une Vie Comme Une Autre ; Faustine Cros, 2022, versions: OR , SS : fra

Faustine’s father immortalized in family films the most beautiful moments of his life, while her mother’s difficulties struck the blind spot of his images. Today the filmmaker revisits these films to tell another story: the one of a woman who sees her role as a mother gradually taking away her freedom. Show more

2D OR SS 12
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A Still Small Voice

A Still Small Voice; Luke Lorentzen, 2023, versions: OR : eng

Začínajúca kaplánka na ročnej stáži na oddelení duchovnej starostlivosti vo veľkej newyorskej nemocnici zistí, že práca s pacientmi si vyžaduje ponoriť sa hlboko do vlastného vnútra. Skúma svoju minulosť, svoju židovskú vieru a svoje hranice. Zisťuje, čo znamená poskytovať duchovnú a emocionálnu starostlivosť druhým – a čo si to vyžaduje. Show more

2D OR 15
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Matter Out of Place

Matter Out of Place ; Nikolaus Geyrhalter, 2022, versions: OR : deu, eng, nep, sqi

Waste on the shores, waste on the mountains. On ocean floors and deep down in the earth. Matter Out of Place is a film about rubbish, which has spread across the world, to the most remote corners of the planet. Nikolaus Geyrhalter follows the traces of our rubbish across the planet and sheds light on the endless struggle of people to gain control over the vast quantities of waste. Show more

2D OR 15
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My Imaginary Country

Mi País Imaginario; Patricio Guzmán, 2022, versions: OR : spa

Protests that exploded onto the streets of Chile's capital of Santiago in 2019 as the population demanded more democracy and social equality around education, healthcare and job opportunities.i. Show more

2D OR 15
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Happily Ever After

Šťastně až na věky; Jana Počtová, 2022, versions: ES : ces

The film is an inquiry into contemporary forms of alternative models of partnerships. For many protagonists, polyamory, open marriage or long-term lover-to-lover relationships present a fulfilling life style, but also a struggle with misunderstanding of the society or conflicts within their own relationships. The director follows the development of relations of her protagonists over several years, while in intimate talks, she searches for the joy, striving and insecurities brought along by such unusual faces of love, revealing a need for redefining partnership in our times. Show more

2D ES 15