Brazil Visual - Prehliadka brazílskych filmov 2019

Prehliadka brazílskych filmov Brazil Visual sa už tradične uskutoční v rámci festivalu Brazilslava,

ktorý organizuje Veľvyslanectvo Brazílskej federatívnej republiky.

Tento rok vám prinesieme 3 filmy - 3 drámy - 3 rôzne pohľady na medziľudské vzťahy - 3 nečakané rozuzlenia.


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Christabel; Alex Levy-Heller, 2018, versions: SS : por

A new adaptation of the famous poem Christabel by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Christabel is living in the wilderness with her dad, where she representing traditional role of a woman - cooking, cleaning and washing. One day she meets Geraldine, who is claiming that she was escaping from violent men and she needs help. Christabel faces the freedom and passion she didn't know until this point by the side of Geraldine. This artistic and mysterious film will make you shiver. Show more

2D SS 15
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A Wolf at the Door

O Lobo Atrás da Porta; Fernando Coimbra, 2013, versions: SS : por

Love triangle comes to the surface when the jealousy lover, Rosa, decides to kidnap the 6 years old daughter of Sylvia and Bernard, just to get the attention of the husband. The innocent affair grows into a nightmare, Bernard suspects from the begining that the kidnapper is his secret lover. Show more

2D SS 15
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Liquid Truth

Aos Teus Olhos; Carolina Jabor, 2017, versions: SS : por

A young swimming teacher is accused of sexual harrasement online, on social medias. Parents of a seven year old boy are claiming that he kissed their son on lips. Soon the situation gets even worse and the dark rumors are destroying the private and professional life of the helpless teacher. Show more

2D SS 15