One World Film Festival 2024

18. october - 27. october 2024

The International Documentary Film Festival Jeden Svet will celebrate its 25th anniversary this year at Kino Lumière from October 18 to 27, 2024. Jeden Svet is not only an annual showcase of the best in documentary filmmaking from both Slovakia and around the world, but also a competition for Czech and Slovak documentary films. This year, you can look forward to 10 festival days featuring a selection of the best documentaries from across the globe, inspiring stories that open your eyes and mind, discussions with filmmakers and experts on current social issues, and a program for both young and old. In short, films that will touch your heart and people you'll want to meet. For more information about the festival, cinepasses, and tickets, visit the official festival website at

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Opening Ceremony: I Shall Not Hate | One World 2024

I Shall Not Hate ; Tal Barda, 2024, versions: OR : ara, eng, heb

Dňa 18.10. o 19:00 v K1 sa uskutoční slávnostné otvorenie festivalu spojené s odovzdávaním Ceny Eleny Lackovej a premietaním filmu Nepodľahnem nenávisti. Po projekcii vás spolu s Bankou SLSP a komunitným centrom Mareena pozývame na výnimočnú ochutnávku cudzokrajných kuchýň. Môžete sa tešiť na autentické jedlá z rôznych kútov sveta, pripravené našimi priateľmi z Palestíny, Iránu, Ukrajiny a mnohých ďalších. O FILME: Palestínsky lekár Izzad-Dín Abúléš je muž s nezvyčajne veľkým srdcom. Film Nepodľahnem nenávisti sleduje jeho životnú púť z utečeneckého tábora Džabálijá v Gaze cez Torontskú univerzitu až po izraelský Najvyšší súd. Abúléš bol prvým palestínskym lekárom, ktorý pracoval na izraelskom pôrodníckom oddelení. Keď však izraelské tanky zničia jeho domov a zabijú jeho tri dcéry, Abúléšova cesta odpustenia a zmierenia čelí najväčšej skúške.

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2D OR 15
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Fest Anča pre deti Jedného sveta | Jeden svet 2024

Fest Anča pre deti Jedného sveta 2024; versions: OR : zxx

Aj tento rok uvedie Jeden svet v spolupráci s medzinárodným festivalom animácie Fest Anča kolekciu zábavných, ale aj poučných animovaných filmov z ostatného ročníka Fest Anče. Tvoria ju medzinárodne oceňované krátkometrážne filmy zo Slovenska, z Česka, Belgicka, Holandska a Južnej Kórey. Sú to filmy Návrat domov, Lyska, Druhá planéta, Baterková mama a Ahoj leto, ktoré prinášajú témy priateľstva, spolupatričnosti a inklúzie na pozadí tém vojny, migrácie či ochrany životného prostredia. Snímka Baterková mama získala ocenenie Anča Award 2024 za najlepší film pre deti od špeciálnej detskej poroty. Zaujímavosťou je aj to, že na snímke Druhá planéta sa tvorivo podieľal kolektív desiatich detí. Pri tomto rodinnom premietaní berieme ohľad na potreby a pohodu všetkých divákov vrátane tých najmenších. Máte sa na čo tešiť! Filmy sú bez dialógov, a tak sú prístupné aj pre nepočujúcich alebo slovensky nehovoriacich ľudí i pre deti od troch rokov. Úvodné slovo bude tlmočené do posunkového jazyka. #JedenSvetPreVšetkých Show more

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Kamay | One World 2024

Kamay; Ilyas Yourish, 2024, versions: OR : fas

In the remote mountains of central Afghanistan, a Hazara family embarks on a journey for truth and justice after their daughter Zahra mysteriously dies at Kabul University. Told through the eyes of Zahraʼs younger sister, Freshta, the film is a moving contemplation of love, loss, and perseverance in spite of increasing unrest on the eve of the Taliban takeover of the country. The director will be present for a discussion in English after the screening. The discussion will also be interpreted into Slovak Sign Language. Show more

2D OR 15
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Distances | One World 2024

Odległości; Matej Bobrik, 2023, versions: OR : nep, pol

For several years now, economic emigration from South Asian countries, especially from countries like India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, has become popular in Poland. In his film Matej Bobrik will tell the story of several guest workers who, hoping for a better tomorrow, start a new life in their promised land. The director will be present for a discussion in Slovak after the screening. Show more

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Hanging Without Walls | One World 2024

Pozor, padá SNG!; Jana Durajová, Lena Kušnieriková, 2023, versions: OR , ES : slk

A Kafkaesque documentary over ten years in the making that sheds light on the absurdity of a bureaucratic system, set within the never-ending process of renovation of the Slovak National Gallery. Show more

2D OR ES 12
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A New Kind of Wilderness | One World 2024

Ukjent landskap; Silje Evensmo Jacobsen, 2024, versions: OR : eng, nor

On a small farm in a Norwegian forest, the Paynes live a purposefully isolated life, aiming to be wild and free. Maria and Nik, together with their four children Ulv, Falk, Freja, and Ronja, embrace self-sufficiency, practicing homeschooling and striving for a closely knit family dynamic in harmony with nature. To sustain this type of lifestyle Maria works as a photographer, and her true passion lies in capturing intimate moments of her family’s life. However, when Maria is diagnosed with cervical cancer, which leads to her passing after a brief illness, it upends the family’s idyllic world and forces them to forge a new path into modern society. This screening is suitable for parents with babies and small children. Parents can bring strollers into the cinema, and the screening will have reduced volume and will not be completely dark. Older children can be supervised by our staff member, Katka, while autumn creative activities will be available in the next room. If you are interested, please let us know: Diana Fabiánová will introduce the film in Slovak. Show more

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Silent Trees | One World 2024

Drzewa milczą; Agnieszka Zwiefka, 2024, versions: OR : eng, kur, pol

When her mother freezes to death in the forest on the Polish-Belarusian border, a 16-year-old Kurdish girl Runa has to quickly grow up to take care of her 4 younger brothers and father. The family deals with trauma in a refugee camp and tries to establish a new life in Poland. Runa’s escape from everyday problems is a sketchbook filled with drawings that express what she feels. Gradually, her drawings come to life. The film is a partially animated coming of age story in the times of the global refugee crisis. The screening will be followed by a discussion in Slovak with journalist Anna Jacková and photographer Michaela Nagyidaiova. The discussion will also be interpreted into Slovak Sign Language.

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2D OR 15
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This Is Ballroom + House of Velvet | One World 2024

Salão de Baile; Juru Vitã, 2024, versions: OR : eng, por

In Rio de Janeiro City and its outskirts, LGBTQ+ youth of color recreates Ballroom culture on their own terms. A portrait of the dramas, the voguing performances, and the art of shade, fifty years after its inception in New York. The Ballroom culture has been active even in Slovakia for the past 10 years thanks to Mother Monika Velvet, the founder of the very first Czech-Slovak House: Kiki House of Velvet. Its portrayal is the main theme of the short film House of Velvet (2023, directed by Igor Smitka and Ivana Hucíková) that will be screened before the film This is ballroom. Members of House of Velvet will join you after the screening. They will be happy to teach you some vogue steps and show you basic ballroom categories you can try on your own should you be interested. You need only to not run away from the auditorium as the closing credits appear and enjoy the half hour mini-workshop right in the screening hall. Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha will deliver the introduction to the film in English.

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2D OR 15
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Bedwetter | One World 2024

Pochcánek; Jan Hušek, 2023, versions: OR : ces

Men still have a privileged position. Yet the concept of a “crisis of masculinity” is increasingly permeating the media along with a loosening of roles and a growing uncertainty about what it means to be a man today. The director Jan Hušek also asks this question. He would wet himself until the age of thirteen, which earned him the unflattering nickname that is the filmʼs title. In his open video diary, he captures the physical and spiritual transformation of his journey from boy to man. He returns to the woods and the roots of his childhood trauma. In doing so, he turns the camera on himself as well as on various teachers or his father. Perhaps the mark of adulthood, after all, is not overwrought masculinity, but the acceptance of one‘s inner “bedwetter”.

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2D OR 15
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Martin Pollack: Looking into the Abyss | One World 2024

Martin Pollack: Pohľad do priepasti ; Jaro Vojtek, 2024, versions: SS : deu, slk

How are you to live, when you are the son of a Nazi murderer? Martin Pollack, a reporter and writer, decided to retrace his biological father’s footsteps to give back dignity and identity to his victims. Many of them were killed in Slovakia after the Slovak National Uprising. – Gerhard Bast, an elite Nazi, took part in the massacre of partisans and civilians after the suppression of the Slovak National Uprising near the towns of Banská Bystrica and Ružomberok. His biological son is Martin Pollack, an Austrian journalist and writer. In his book, The Dead Man in the Bunker, he followed Bast’s footsteps in Slovakia. Today, he only returns there through Michal Hvorecký, his friend, translator, and writer-colleague. In the film, Michal Hvorecký seeks out several almost forgotten places of memory related to Bast’s crimes and even living survivors of the Slovak National Uprising and witnesses of Bast’s slaughtering. Throughout this journey, he asks himself: “What does the message of the Slovak National Uprising – through which Slovakia rejected fascist ideology based on intolerance and hatred and took a stand on the right side of history – mean to the Slovak collective memory today?” The screening will be followed by a discussion in Slovak. The discussion will also be interpreted into Slovak Sign Language.

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2D SS 15
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Mother Saigon | One World 2024

Má Sài Gòn; Khoa Lê, 2023, versions: OR : vie

In Saigon, family culture carries on as it has for centuries, even when blood ties are broken. Through a mosaic of intimate portraits, Mother Saigon explores humanity’s universal desire for love, acceptance, connection and belonging through an LGBTQ+ lens. The film is a love letter – a bittersweet ode to a comforting yet disturbing mother, to a city that is as liberating as it is oppressive. Discussion after the film Queer people in Vietnam, much like those in our country, face societal conservatism as well as growing efforts for their acceptance. Traditional values, family expectations, and social stigma often put queer people in difficult positions, forcing many to come to terms with their identities in private or within close-knit communities. Despite these difficulties, queer voices are emerging in Vietnam, as captured in the film Mother Saigon, which also highlights their resilience and strength. Explore the themes depicted in the film Mother Saigon (2023) and join us as we expand on them from the perspective of two individuals from the Vietnamese diaspora in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Their stories reflect the complexity of navigating cultural heritage, queer identity, alliances, and belonging in Central Europe. With traditions and traumas passed down from their family backgrounds and the realities of growing up in Europe, we will touch upon the tension between the desire to honor their Vietnamese roots and the need to live authentically within chosen communities. Join us in a discussion that will, among other topics, address cultural authenticity, migration, and queer resilience that transcends borders. Guests: Nancy Nguyenová, Quang Luong. Hosted by Julián Vrábel (Džuso), member of the queer student association LIGHT* at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University.

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Incompatible with Life | One World 2024

Incompatível com a vida; Eliza Capai, 2023, versions: SS : por

After documenting her frustrated pregnancy, director Eliza Capai talks with other women who have had similar experiences, creating a powerful and touching choir of voices that reverberate on universal themes: motherhood, grief and abortion. Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha will deliver the introduction to the film in English. The screening will be followed by a discussion in Slovak.

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2D SS 15
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Question of the Future | One World 2024

Otázka budúcnosti; Maroš Brázda, 2024, versions: OR : slk

A documentary film about the seniors of a secondary school in Bratislava, whose ribbon ceremony coincidentally took place on the day of parliamentary elections, shortly before the final results were announced. A similar peculiarity is that all the students had applied to universities abroad. The film follows five of them for the rest of the school year and, through their opinions and attitudes, tries to shed light on what led them to make this choice. It is also an attempt to answer a key question: what does the future hold for the younger generation, as well as for our country as a whole? Show more


22. 10. Tuesday

7,00 17:00
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Favoriten | One World 2024

Favoriten ; Ruth Beckermann, 2024, versions: SS : deu, tur

For her latest documentary Favoriten, Ruth Beckermann spent three years following a class of pupils, from the ages of seven to ten, and their devoted teacher at a large, “at risk” primary school in an ethnically diverse, traditionally working-class district in Vienna. We get to know the children as individuals as we experience their daily adventures, struggles, defeats and victories in this microcosm of contemporary western European society: a society struggling with issues of identity and migration. But above all, Favoriten is an ode to childhood and education that builds on Beckermann’s trademark style of asking probing, important questions in an observational way, inviting the audience to navigate their own way through complex topics. Lenka Putalová will introduce the film in Slovak. Awards: Peace Film Award – Berlin International Film Festival 2024 (Germany) Golden Firebird Award in the Documentary Competition – Hong Kong International Film Festival 2024 (China) Show more


22. 10. Tuesday

7,00 18:00
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Save Our Souls | One World 2024

Save Our Souls; Jean-Baptiste Bonnet, 2024, versions: SS : ara, eng

Since 2016, nearly 40,000 people have been rescued by the Ocean Viking, the ambulance ship chartered by SOS Méditerranée. Jean-Baptiste Bonnet spent weeks on board capturing the smallest nooks and crannies of this confined space, and deciphering the political and human issues at stake during this time of suspension at the gates of Europe, between rescue and disembarkation. Post Film Discussion Annually, thousands of people risk their lives dangerously crossing the Mediterranean Sea in search of a better life in Europe. Many of them die and European countries are ever less likely to accept them. What can and should the international community do about it? Where lie the boundaries between moral and legal duties and responsibilities of states and institutions? In the post film discussion, we will turn our attention to various aspects of this crisis. The discussion will explore the intersection between the expectations set by public opinion and the European public in general, the guarantees provided by Human Rights and Maritime Law, and the role of international organisations. The Guests of the Discussion: Sára Činčurová, a journalist who wrote reports from such a ship Oana Curtiss, UNHCR. Host: Peter Ivanič, a journalist and university teacher The discussion was organised in collaboration with the media initiative Svet medzi riadkami (World between the Lines) and co-financed by SlovakAid.

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2D SS 15

23. 10. Wednesday

7,00 17:00
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Black Box Diaries | One World 2024

Black Box Diaries; Šiori Itó, 2024, versions: SS : jpn

Journalist Shiori Ito investigates her own sexual assault, seeking to prosecute the high-profile offender. Her quest becomes a landmark case, exposing Japan’s outdated judicial and societal systems. Diana Fabiánová will introduce the film in Slovak. Awards: Special Jury Award for the Best Documentary Feature – San Francisco International Film Festival 2024 (USA) Lena Sharpe Award for Persistence of Vision – Seattle International Film Festival 2024 (USA) Human Rights Award – CPH:DOX Copenhagen 2024 (Denmark)

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2D SS 15

23. 10. Wednesday

7,00 18:00
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No Other Land | One World 2024

No Other Land; Director: various, 2024, versions: SS : ara, eng, heb

Basel Adra, a young Palestinian activist from Masafer Yatta on the West Bank, has been fighting the mass expulsion of his community by Israel’s occupation since childhood. He documents the slow-motion eradication of the villages in his home region where soldiers deployed by the Israeli government are gradually demolishing houses and driving out their residents. At some point, he meets Yuval, an Israeli journalist, who supports him in his efforts. An unlikely alliance develops. But the relationship between the two is strained by the enormous inequality between them: Basel lives under military occupation while Yuval lives freely and without restrictions. – This film by a Palestinian-Israeli collective of four young activists has been made as an act of creative resistance on the path to greater justice. Awards: Panorama Audience Award – Berlin International Film Festival 2024 (Germany) Audience Award – CPH:DOX Copenhagen 2024 (Denmark) The Human Rights Human Wrongs Film Award – Human International Documentary Film Festival Oslo 2024 (Norway) Discussion after the film on the current situation in the Gaza Strip, as well as the ways and means of providing humanitarian aid to civilian victims of the conflict. Guests: Omar Beiruti, a Palestinian residing long-term in Slovakia, Marián Cehelník, People in Need Hosted by Anna Jacková in Slovak.

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2D SS 15

23. 10. Wednesday

7,00 20:00
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Mediha | One World 2024

Mediha; Hasan Oswald, 2023, versions: SS : ara, eng, tur

A teenage Yazidi girl who has just returned from ISIS captivity tries to cope with her trauma while rescuers search for her missing family members. This is the story of the Yazidi Genocide and its aftermath shown through her camera lens. Awards: Activist Documentary Award – Hague Movies that Matter Festival 2024 (Netherlands), Prize of the Jury for the Best Documentary Feature – San Sebastián International Film Festival 2024 (Spain)

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2D SS 15

24. 10. Thursday

7,00 17:00
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Gray zone | One World 2024

Šedá zóna; Daniela Meressa Rusnoková, 2024, versions: ES , OR : slk

An authorial documentary film directed by Daniela Meressa Rusnoková brings a sensitive perspective on the little-discussed topic of premature births and saving highly immature infants born in the so-called “grey zone”. Through a testimony of a mother who represents the voice of many others, it raises fundamental questions of neonatology and depicts the journey of maternal care for children with special needs. What dilemmas and ethical issues must doctors and parents face? Where do we stand in supporting children with disabilities and their families and how can we improve? Panel Discussion After the screening of the film Grey Zone, we invite you to an expert panel discussion. We will raise the topics of support for families with children with disabilities, care for premature babies and maternal mental health disorders. We will also discuss topics such as early intervention, effective guidance for parents after returning from hospital, child stimulation, palliative care, support for bereaved parents and abandoned children, as well as support from the state and the possibilities of inclusive education in Slovakia. With experts, we will attempt not only to answer these questions, but also to explore other challenges we face in this area. Speakers: Erika Tichá, special and therapeutic educator, vision therapist from the non-profit organisation Early Intervention Centre Bratislava; Lucia Kubíny from Tanana, a civic association focused on support for families after the loss of a child; Marek Roháček from the civic association Návrat; Monika Fričová from the Platform of Families of Children with Disability; Vladislav Matej from the Social Reform Foundation SOCIA; Anna Symington-Maar from the inclusive school and kindergarten Rozmanita; Daniela Meressa Rusnoková, director of the film Grey Zone. Hosted by Frederika Hazeová.

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2D ES OR 12

24. 10. Thursday

7,00 18:00
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Our Land, Our Freedom | One World 2024

Our Land, Our Freedom; 2023, versions: SS : swa, eng

In the years 1885 to 1963 the British ruled Kenya and inflicted a regime of violence that saw Kenyans kicked off their land and enslaved. As resistance grew in the 1950ʼs, the British threw about a million Kenyans into concentration camps, starving, torturing and killing thousands. In 1963, Kenya won its independence, but the majority of the population, including freedom fighters, did not see their land returned. They were left destitute – a situation that persists today. Now, people want justice. Not just for past colonial atrocities. They want to reclaim their history. And their land. One woman, Wanjugu Kimathi, is leading this fight. Our Land, Our Freedom tells her story.

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2D SS 15

24. 10. Thursday

7,00 20:00
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My Street Films (short films) | One World 2024

My Street Films (pásmo); versions: OR : slk

Kolekcia krátkych dokumentárnych filmov amatérskych tvorcov vznikla v rámci projektu My Street Films SK 2024, ktorého účastníci rozvíjali svoje námety pod lektorským vedením Barbory Sliepkovej, Adama Hanuljaka a Dominika Jursu. Filmy spája tvorivá sloboda a hľadačský duch mladých filmárov, často bez predošlých skúseností s nakrúcaním, zato s nadšením pre vlastný námet. V ročníku 2024 rezonovali témy vzťahu k prírode a k mestskému priestoru, témy duševného zdravia či hľadania medzigeneračného pochopenia. Prevládali žánre dokumentárneho portrétu eseje, takmer bez výnimky s výraznou osobnou vrstvou rozprávania. Do projektu My Street Films sa môže zapojiť ktokoľvek (aj) bez filmového vzdelania. Každý ročník sa začína otvorenou výzvou na prihlasovanie autorských námetov, z ktorých porota vyberie tie s najväčším potenciálom. Ich autori získajú príležitosť rozvinúť ich do podoby vlastných dokumentárnych filmov. Projekt organizuje Národné osvetové centrum. Show more


25. 10. Friday

0,00 17:00
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I Am the River, the River Is Me | One World 2024

I Am the River, the River Is Me; Petr Lom, 2024, versions: SS : eng, mri

Our film is a call to action: to fight climate change through a fundamental value shift. Inspired by New Zealand’s Whanganui River, the first river in the world recognized as a legal person. The river is the main character of our film. The story is a road trip: a Māori river guardian invites us and an international group of friends – including a First Nations Elder and his daughter from Australia – to travel down the river. The river unites them all in their goal to bring about a fundamental shift in values to protect our planet for future generations. This screening is suitable for parents with babies and small children. Parents can bring strollers into the cinema, and the screening will have reduced volume and will not be completely dark. Older children can be supervised by our staff member, Katka, while autumn creative activities will be available in the next room. If you are interested, please let us know: The film is followed by: I Am the River, the River is Me – a guided walk along the Danube.

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2D SS 12

26. 10. Saturday

7,00 14:00
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Who I Am Not | One World 2024

Who I Am Not; Tünde Skovrán, 2023, versions: SS : eng, tsn

What makes a male, and what makes a female? Where do we draw the line, and does it really matter? – Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a South African beauty queen, plunges into an identity crisis after finding out she is intersex. In her quest to deal with gender dysphoria, she needs the guidance of somebody just like her. The only person who will help is Dimakatso Sebidi, a masculine presenting intersex activist who turns out to be her complete opposite. The two parallel but divergent stories offer an intimate look at the struggle of living in a male-female world, when you are born in-between. For the first time in a creative documentary, Who I Am Not gives a voice to the long ignored and mostly silent two percent of the world’s population: the intersex community. The producer Andrei Zinca will be present for a discussion in English after the screening. The discussion will also be interpreted into Slovak Sign Language.

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2D SS 15

26. 10. Saturday

7,00 16:00
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Nice Ladies | One World 2024

Nice Ladies ; Marija Ponomariova, 2024, versions: SS : eng, rus, ukr

With the recent escalation of Russia’s war on Ukraine, the seemingly unbreakable bond of a vibrant cheerleading team of 50+ year old women called Nice Ladies is challenged. They face impossible choices between motherland and grandmotherhood, between staying and leaving. Core team member Sveta flees with her family to the Netherlands, while captain Valia and coach Nadia stay behind in the repeatedly bombed city of Kharkiv. Torn apart, the ladies try to keep contact to hold on to their sanity amid terror, heartbreak, and the plague of Sveta’s survivor’s guilt. Will the team be able to reunite, save their sisterhood, and find a common language through the emerging scars of war?

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2D SS 7

26. 10. Saturday

7,00 17:00
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In The Rearview | One World 2024

Skąd dokąd; Maciek Hamela, 2023, versions: OR : fra, pol, ukr

In the Rearview is an authentic, intimate observation of war as it unfolds, following multiple generations of Ukrainian civilians as they abruptly abandon their homes and rely on the help of director Maciek Hamelaʼs volunteer aid van to escape the life-threatening conflict. As he steers through minefields to leave Ukraine and tries to get through numerous military checkpoints, Hamela offers us a seat in his car, guiding the documentary from behind the wheel and behind the camera, crisscrossing the roads of Ukraine to transport uprooted refugees safely to Poland. The van traverses tens of thousands of kilometers and serves as a waiting room, hospital, shelter, and zone for confidences and confessions among compatriots thrown together by chance. Awards: Silver Hugo for the Best Documentary – Chicago International Film Festival 2023 (USA) Political Film Award in the International Competition for European Co-Productions – Hamburg Film Festival 2023 (Germany) Golden Eye for the Best International Documentary Film – Zurich Film Festival 2023 (Switzerland) Amnesty International Award in Human Rights Section – Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival 2024 (Greece)

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2D OR 15

26. 10. Saturday

7,00 19:00
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The Taste of Mango | One World 2024

The Taste of Mango; Sarvnik Kaur, 2023, versions: OR : eng

In this hypnotically cinematic love letter flowing through time and generations, director Chloe Abrahams probes raw questions her mother and grandmother have long brushed aside, tenderly untangling painful knots in her family’s unspoken past. Diana Fabiánová will introduce the film in Slovak.

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2D OR 15

27. 10. Sunday

7,00 14:00
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Is There Any Place for Me, Please? | One World 2024

Moje nová tvář; Jarmila Štuková, 2023, versions: OR : ces

The number of acid attacks has been rising rapidly worldwide over the last ten years. But Martina is only the second case of a woman in the Czech Republic who has survived a brutal acid attack as an act of revenge by an ex-boyfriend. The documentary Is There Any Place For Me, Please? charts Martina’s steps from the moment the world as she knew it collapsed in an instant. Suddenly, no familiar patterns could be applied to the life she had lived until then, and Martina had to learn to live anew and differently, all while being blind. In very intimate accounts, supplemented by situations describing her admirable struggle, we follow Martina step by step from her lowest lows to her highest highs. The filmmakers chose the topic of physical beauty to be the main theme,exploring how irrelevant it becomes when one must discover and learn to rely on what lies hidden beneath the surface. Diana Fabiánová will introduce the film in Slovak.

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2D OR 15

27. 10. Sunday

7,00 15:30
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Milisuthando | One World 2024

Milisuthando; Milisuthando Bongela, 2023, versions: SS : eng, xho

Set in past, present, and future South Africa – an invitation into a poetic, memory-driven exploration of love, intimacy, race, and belonging by the filmmaker, who grew up during apartheid but didnʼt know it was happening until it was over. – „Eight years in the making, Milisuthando is a portrait of me and South Africa growing up together in the aftermath of apartheid. Driven by my narrative voice and a compelling cast of my family, friends, foes and some historical figures, the story braids together the three different worlds of my childhood – The now defunct Republic of Transkei, East London in the 1990s new South Africa and my adult life in Johannesburg. Spanning thirty years in a non-linear manner, the film is a meditation on difficult questions about power, fear, intimacy and love as it relates to race. Through a roving feminine lens, we find ourselves in happened-upon environments that take the viewer into the interiors of the new South Africa and its relationship with its past.“ (Milisuthando Bongela) Awards: Special Mention for the Best Director – International Documentary Association (USA) Documentaire Extraordinaire – Special Mention – Bergen International Film Festival (Norway)

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2D SS 15

22. 10. Tuesday

7,00 20:00
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Against the Tide

Against the Tide; Sarvnik Kaur, 2023, versions: OR : eng, hin

Bombay fishermen Rakesh and Ganesh are inheritors of the great Koli knowledge system – a way to harvest the sea by following the moon and the tides. Rakesh has kept faith in the traditional fishing methods while Ganesh has strayed away from them, embracing technology. Against the Tide is a tale of friendship and rising resentment between the two men, as close as brothers, against the backdrop of an adoring sea, which is increasingly turning hostile because of climate change. Awards: World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award in Vérité Filmmaking section – Sundance Film Festival 2023 (USA) Sustainable Future Award – Sydney Film Festival 2023 (Australia) Golden Gateway Award in International Competition – Mumbai Film Festival 2023 (India) Show more


27. 10. Sunday

7,00 18:30