Febiofest 2020: Block of competition films II

Director:Ridley Scott, Damián Vondrášek, Géza M. Tóth, Jola Bańkowska
Length:87 minutes

Febiofest 2020: Block of competition films II

Febiofest 2020: Pásmo súťažných filmov II; Director: various, versions: OR,SS,ES,

Director: Ridley Scott, Damián Vondrášek, Géza M. Tóth, Jola Bańkowska, Peter Hoferica

Frontier | Hranice
director: Damián Vondrášek, Česko, 2020, 29 min
A young boy escapes during a roundup of illegal immigrants near the Czech border. The commander’s attempt to deal with the situation by the book conflict with his conscience.

director: Géza M. Tóth, Maďarsko, 2019, 12 min
Každý z nás je iný, dokonca aj ja! Osamelý chlapec sa hrá s farebnými zápalkami, ktoré mu ožívajú pod rukami, keď hovorí o svojich snoch, strachoch a túžbach. Film je vytvorený na základe rozhovoru so sedemročným L. S.

Above the Styx | Ponad Stiksom
director: absolventi Filmového programu Sergeja Bukovského, Ukrajina, 2019, 5 min
Thousands go to the cemetery on Hrobky (Memorial Day) to commemorate their departed relatives, to get blessed, to celebrate life... A wonderful tradition, isnʼt it?

director: Jola Bańkowska, Poľsko, 2019, 5 min.
Story is a reflection about modern people in the age of omnipresent technology. Looking through social media platform stories, we see people who are lonely, lost or indifferent to the reality around them. The action takes place over one day, told in short, often (self)ironic scenes, where the virtual world sinks into reality.

Four Days after Christmas | 4 dni po Vianociach
director: Matúš from eastern Slovakia tries to park his car in Bratislava’s jam-packed streets while avoiding a fight with his eccentric sister. For the third consecutive year.

Length: 87 min

Country of origin:

  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Ukraine

Language version:

OR - Original version
SS - Slovak subtitles
ES - English subtitles

Director: Ridley Scott, Damián Vondrášek, Géza M. Tóth, Jola Bańkowska, Peter Hoferica

Frontier | Hranice
director: Damián Vondrášek, Česko, 2020, 29 min
A young boy escapes during a roundup of illegal immigrants near the Czech border. The commander’s attempt to deal with the situation by the book conflict with his conscience.

director: Géza M. Tóth, Maďarsko, 2019, 12 min
Každý z nás je iný, dokonca aj ja! Osamelý chlapec sa hrá s farebnými zápalkami, ktoré mu ožívajú pod rukami, keď hovorí o svojich snoch, strachoch a túžbach. Film je vytvorený na základe rozhovoru so sedemročným L. S.

Above the Styx | Ponad Stiksom
director: absolventi Filmového programu Sergeja Bukovského, Ukrajina, 2019, 5 min
Thousands go to the cemetery on Hrobky (Memorial Day) to commemorate their departed relatives, to get blessed, to celebrate life... A wonderful tradition, isnʼt it?

director: Jola Bańkowska, Poľsko, 2019, 5 min.
Story is a reflection about modern people in the age of omnipresent technology. Looking through social media platform stories, we see people who are lonely, lost or indifferent to the reality around them. The action takes place over one day, told in short, often (self)ironic scenes, where the virtual world sinks into reality.

Four Days after Christmas | 4 dni po Vianociach
director: Matúš from eastern Slovakia tries to park his car in Bratislava’s jam-packed streets while avoiding a fight with his eccentric sister. For the third consecutive year.

Country of origin:

  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Ukraine

Language version:

OR - Original version
SS - Slovak subtitles
ES - English subtitles