A Selection Of Films By Juraj Štepka

Director:Juraj Štepka
Length:76 minutes

A Selection Of Films By Juraj Štepka

Pásmo filmov Juraja Štepku; r. Juraj Štepka, 2009-2017, OV (sk) | Ars Poetica; Juraj Štepka, versions: OR,

r. Juraj Štepka, 2009-2017, OV (sk)

Director: Juraj Štepka

A Thousand Times Jááánošííík, or The Birth of a Legend (Tisíckrát Jááánošííík alebo zrod legendy)

A film about three productions and a thousandth rerun of the legendary play by Stanislav Štepka and Radosin Naive Theatre.

...And Me, Katarina Kolnikova, (A já, Katarína Kolníková)

A tribute to one of the most prominent personalities of Slovak theatre and a story of the invincible vitality of a simple village woman-actress, who never lost humor and her magical personality despite numerous troublesome experiences.

Length: 76 min

Country of origin:

  • Slovakia

Language version:

OR - Original version

r. Juraj Štepka, 2009-2017, OV (sk)

Director: Juraj Štepka

A Thousand Times Jááánošííík, or The Birth of a Legend (Tisíckrát Jááánošííík alebo zrod legendy)

A film about three productions and a thousandth rerun of the legendary play by Stanislav Štepka and Radosin Naive Theatre.

...And Me, Katarina Kolnikova, (A já, Katarína Kolníková)

A tribute to one of the most prominent personalities of Slovak theatre and a story of the invincible vitality of a simple village woman-actress, who never lost humor and her magical personality despite numerous troublesome experiences.

Country of origin:

  • Slovakia

Language version:

OR - Original version