The Invisible City

Director:Lieven Corthouts
Length:57 minutes

The Invisible City

Kakuma; Lieven Corthouts, 57´, 2016, OV + AT | Globálny filmový festival o migrácii 2016 ; Lieven Corthouts, 2016, versions: OR,ES,

Special screening in Slovakia

Director: Lieven Corthouts

How to build a home in a place called nowhere? Kakuma refugee camp, built in the middle of the Turkana desert, Kenya, is the fastest growing city in the region. The film depicts life in this refugee camp, many of its new arrivals are children sent out of conflict zones by their parents. Against all odds, these children grab all opportunities in the camp to rebuild their life. Can Kakuma really offer a future? Or is it just a temporary waiting room, where the only option is to plan your journey to Europe?

Film will be screened in original version with English subtitles.

Free emtrance.

Length: 57 min

Year: 2016

Country of origin:

  • Kenya
  • Belgium

Language version:

OR - Original version
ES - English subtitles

Special screening in Slovakia

Director: Lieven Corthouts

How to build a home in a place called nowhere? Kakuma refugee camp, built in the middle of the Turkana desert, Kenya, is the fastest growing city in the region. The film depicts life in this refugee camp, many of its new arrivals are children sent out of conflict zones by their parents. Against all odds, these children grab all opportunities in the camp to rebuild their life. Can Kakuma really offer a future? Or is it just a temporary waiting room, where the only option is to plan your journey to Europe?

Film will be screened in original version with English subtitles.

Free emtrance.

Year: 2016

Country of origin:

  • Kenya
  • Belgium

Language version:

OR - Original version
ES - English subtitles