Be2Can 2021

18. - 24. 10. 2021

Divákmi obľúbená prehliadka festivalových filmov sa od 18. do 24. októbra vracia do kinosál. Berlín, Benátky a Cannes po roku oklieštených festivalov otvorili svoje brány, a tak sa Be2Can vracia s bohatou ponukou – až 12 filmov bude tvoriť program ôsmeho ročníka. 

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Sused Nebenan

Nebenan; Daniel Brühl, versions: CS : deu

Berlín, štvrť Prenzlauer Berg. Daniel je filmová hviezda, zvyknutá na úspech. Má štýlový podkrovný byt a rovnako štýlovú manželku, ako aj opatrovateľku, ktorá sa im stará o deti. Všetko je tip-top, a teda pripravené na to, aby odletel na konkurz do Londýna, kde na slávneho nemecko-španielskeho herca čaká rola v americkom filme o superhrdinoch. Keď vojde do miestneho baru na rohu, nájde tam sedieť Bruna. Ako sa ukazuje s každou ďalšou minútou, Bruno na túto chvíľu dlho čakal. A tak sa tento večne prehliadaný muž – jedna z obetí znovuzjednotenia a gentrifikácie bývalého východného Berlína – pomstí. A Daniel je jeho cieľ... Show more

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Unclenching the fists Razzhimaya kulaki

Razzhimaya kulaki; Kira Kovalenko, versions: CS : rus

Cannes 2021 Cena Un Certain Regard | Un Certain Regard Award VHigh in the mountains of North Ossetia, a small mining town of Mizur nestles between the sheer cliffs. Following certain dramatic events, Zaur moved his children Ada, Akim and Dakko here. Zaur is a strict father who prizes discipline above all and doesn’t feel the difference between care and overprotection. His eldest son, Akim, already escaped from his father to work in Rostov, the closest city to Mizur. His younger brother, Dakko, has yet to decide what he wants from life, and their sister Ada is actively planning her escape. She is a grown woman but her father still treats her as a baby. Ada will soon realize that it will be very hard to escape her father's embrace and begin her own new life. The return of her older brother Akim will illuminate the family’s unspoken and unhealed traumas. Show more

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I'm Your Man Ich bin dein Mensch

Ich bin dein Mensch; Maria Schrader, versions: CS : deu

Berlinale 2021 Best acting performance Alma is a scientist at the famous Pergamon Museum in Berlin. In order to obtain research funds for her work, she is persuaded to participate in an extraordinary study. For three weeks, she has to live with a humanoid robot tailored to her character and needs, whose artificial intelligence is designed to be the perfect life partner for her. Alma meets Tom, a machine in human form in a class of its own, created solely to make her happy. A comic-tragic tale about the questions of love, longing and what makes a human being human. Show more

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Natural Light Természetes fény

Természetes fény; Dénes Nagy, versions: CS : hun

Berlinale 2021 Best Director World War II, occupied Soviet Union. István Semetka is a simple Hungarian farmer who serves as a Caporal in a special unit scouting for partisan groups. On their way to a remote village, his company falls under enemy fire. As the commander is killed, Semetka has to overcome his fears and take command of the unit as he is dragged into a chaos that he cannot control. Show more

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U Petrovovcov zúri chrípka Petrovy v grippe

Petrovy v grippe; Kirill Serebrennikov, versions: CS : rus

Halucinačné blúdenie po postsovietskom Rusku. V meste zasiahnutom chrípkovou epidémiou zápasí rodina Petrovovcov s ďalším dňom v krajine, kde minulosť nikdy nie je minulosťou a súčasnosť je presiaknutá chlastom. Mrazivý horúčkovitý sen o násilí a nehe, v ktorom sa veci pod nánosom obyčajnosti menia na celkom neobyčajné. Podľa rovnomenného románu Alexeja Saľnikova Ocenenia: MFF Cannes - Hlavná súťaž - 2021 Show more

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Snežit už nikdy nebude Śniegu już nigdy nie będzie

Śniegu już nigdy nie będzie; Michał Englert, Małgorzata Szumowska, Michal Englert, versions: CS : pol, rus

Do života uzavretej zámožnej komunity vstupuje masér z Východu. Z príslušníkov tejto komunity vyžaruje aj napriek bohatstvu vnútorný smútok a túžba. Tajomný návštevník má zvláštny dar, jeho ruky liečia a jeho oči prenikajú do duší osamelých žien. Jeho ruský prízvuk znie ako pieseň minulosti, pokojná melódia ich detstva, keď bol svet bezpečnejším miestom. Žeňa – tak sa tento muž volá – mení ich životy. Ocenenia: MFF Benátky - Hlavná súťaž - 2020 Polské filmové ceny - Nominácia | Najlepšia herečka, najlepší herec vo vedľajšej úlohe, najlepšia kamera, najlepší kostýmový dizajn, najlepší make-up - 2021 Show more

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The Story of My Wife A feleségem története

A feleségem története; Ildikó Enyedi, versions: CS

Cannes 2021 Main Competition While drinking, Dutch cargo ship captain Jakob Störr and his friend make a bet undertaking Jakob to marry the first woman which enters the cafe. This is how he meets a whimsical Frenchwoman Lizzy and the two get married later. It is also the beginning of a love-interwoven romance inspired by nothing less than One Thousand and One Nights tales. Life of loving and painfully honest Störr is suddenly filled with turmoils from that moment on – and we are able to grasp in a fundamental and dramatic manner the complexity, mystery, fragile beauty, and elusive, uncontrollable nature of life through his character. The new film by director Ildikó Enyedi – awarded with the Golden Bear and Academy Awards nominee for her movie On Body and Soul – is based on Milán Füst’s eponymous book. His novel was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature and has also been translated into more than 20 languages. Show more

2D 2D+4K CS
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Titane Titane

Titane; Julia Ducournau, versions: CS , ES : fra

Cannes 2021 Palme d‘Or Following a series of unexplained crimes, a father is reunited with the son who has been missing for 10 years. Titane: A metal highly resistant to heat and corrosion, with high tensile strength alloys. Show more

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Dear Comrades! Dorogie tovarishchi

Dorogie tovarishchi; Andrej Končalovskij, versions: CS : rus

A provincial town in the south of the USSR, 1962. Lyudmila, a devout Communist Party official and idealistic veteran of WW II, is a scourge of anything she perceives as anti-Soviet sentiment. Together with other local Party officials, she is taken by surprise by a strike at the local factory, in which her own daughter is taking part. As the situation quickly spirals out of control, Lyudmila begins a desperate search for her daughter in the face of curfews, mass arrests, and the authorities’ ruthless attempts to cover up the state violence. Her once unquestioning faith in the party line is shaken by her growing awareness of its human toll, tearing apart the world she thought she knew. Show more

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Nitram Nitram

Nitram; Justin Kurzel, versions: CS : eng

Events leading up to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre on Tasmania in an attempt to understand why and how the atrocity occurred. ( Show more

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Beginning Beginning

Beginning; Dea Kulumbegašvili, versions: CS : kat

In a sleepy provincial town, a Jehovah's Witness community is attacked by an extremist group. In the midst of this conflict, the familiar world of Yana, the wife of the community leader, slowly crumbles. Yana's inner discontent grows as she struggles to make sense of her desires. ( Show more